View Full Version : WWYD..To many toys!

12-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Hope everyone had a nice holiday!!!! I'm in the process of writing down the items DS received for Christmas so I can write thank you's tomorrow...but...he's now got a ton of stuff and the hits of the day were:

Hess Truck
Radio Flyer Rocking Horse from LL Bean
(Oh, and the Hanna PJ's he's sleeping in now!)

His birthday is in about 2 months...i'm so tempted to put some of the boxes (specifically the Little People sets I'd purchased on super-clearance in Target during the year) in the basement and saving them for his birthday!

Should I!?!?!?!?

mom to William



12-25-2004, 10:21 PM
I have done this. I have even taken Christmas gifts and then re-gifted them the next year if I never got around to giving them to the kids. It's not a big deal, he won't realize it and he's not exactly hurting for toys, is he? :)

12-26-2004, 02:02 PM
Yes, you should. I didn't even bother wrapping some of the things we'd gotten for DD because it was just overkill (and her b-day is in 2 mos. too). I also cleaned out the toybox and "retired" bulky items she doesn't use much. I figure if she can't get to toys because the toybox is piled too high, she's not playing with them anyway. Really, she just plays with a few favorite toys these das (a box of musical instruments, another box of pots/pans/playfood, etc.) she just doesn't need so much clutter. I think in future years, DH and I will try to buy one bg item (like a table/chairs for her b-day) and leave it to others to buy the rest. We also try to emphasize quality over quantity and small items (e.g. CDs and books) over giant plastic things with billions of pieces.

It's just so tempting to buy every fun item we see for our little ones and we forget how quickly it all adds up.

Just my $.02
