View Full Version : ? for learning tower owners....exactly how tip proof??

01-25-2005, 04:47 PM
My 19 month old loves his learning tower,but lately he is getting down from the tower much quicker..he'll grab hold of the top and swing both legs out onto the floor. About half the time he does this...the tower tips on its edge about an inch or so...which freaks me out. I don't THINK he will tip it all the way over and I'm usually right there beside him...but, wanted to know if it ever tipped over on anyone before.


01-27-2005, 11:56 AM
I am laughing because Eva does the same exact thing! The first time she did it my DH about had a heart attack and he had visions of her being smashed by the tower. We are much more laid back about this now as she swings from the tower during her 'dismount' on a daily basis and the tower has yet to tip over. :D

Mom to Eva
Born 6-03

01-27-2005, 03:40 PM
yup, that about described our first reaction too. thanks for your response. I've just lowered the platform down one rung in order to discourage him from trying to crawl up onto the counter. I'm not sure if that will have any effect on his dismounting.

My son Kael was born the same month as Eva (which was my chosen girl name btw ;) )
