View Full Version : Debbie at oopsie daisy is the best!!!

02-07-2005, 11:46 AM
In a post a few days ago I mentioned that Debbie was still waiting for my trike from the last coop because the navigators hadn't come in. Well today Debbie called me to tell me that Kettler didn't ship the navigators out last week like they had promised but since Madeline's birthday is Saturday she offered me a great deal on the new Air Navigators that she has in stock. When I was deciding btw bikes last fall DH and I kept going back and forth over whether to get air tires or a tandem compatable bike and the tandem had won out. Now I (I mean Madeline) get both and I can see her ride it on her birthday!!

02-07-2005, 02:43 PM
How nice! That's so sweet that she remembered Madeline's birthday and tried to make sure you had a great gift for it!

Cindy and Anna February 2003