View Full Version : Kettler Bike Recommendations???

07-15-2005, 10:39 AM
Hi, I am thinking about getting my dd a kettler for her birthday, and was wondering whether anyone would recommend a particular model. I am looking at the Air Navigator, Air Happy, the Happy-Navigator or the Jumbo. Based on your experience, do children have a preference?? Do we really need air tires?? TIA!


07-15-2005, 11:17 AM
We went with the Jumbo for our twins, and they are just AWESOME. Honestly, I can't say enough good things about them! All the neighborhood kids are in our driveway wanting to borrow them every evening!

I think the air tires are a good improvement over the regular tires, the ride is so smooth.

Good luck, with Kettler you can't go wrong! HTH!
:) Rachel

07-15-2005, 01:27 PM
I bought the Air Navigator and love the air tires. The air tires are nice in the grass and on the gravel.

07-15-2005, 02:19 PM
We have the Air Navigator. I wanted the air tires because we have a lot of bumpy paths, grass, gravel etc. The air tires just glide over it. I went with the Navigator because I bought the trike when DS was about a year and a half. I knew it would be awhile before he could pedal it himself and I wanted something that was easy for me to push and steer. Had my DS been older I probably wouldn't have gotten the navigator only because I wouldn't have to push him around. I am very happy with my purchase. The trike is very popular too. When we go to the park there is always a flock of kids hovering around.

SJ mom
07-15-2005, 09:37 PM
We love the air navigator. The air tires are definately worth while. The seat is nice and big. DS loves it. In retrospect, I may have not gotten the nav part...we never use it.

07-18-2005, 10:24 AM
We have the Air Happy and I am glad we went with that. DS is a peanut and the seat is perfect for him since it is not a shelf seat, but rather molded. We have the air tires because we do not have sidewalks in our subdivison (only on the main road) so he rides his in the cul-de-sac, grass, etc... We added a basket from Target (a plstic Nemo one) and he loves it.