View Full Version : Vote for your favorite signing time video (if you absolutely had to choose)

09-28-2005, 09:31 PM
Yet another signing time question ...

We purchased volume one, and although I like the video, I wish there was more emphasis on showing the meaning of the sign (i.e. show more children performing action of the sign rather than just once). I'm not really sure if I want to invest in getting 5 more videos, as they are pretty expensive (and theoretically we should be limiting TV viewing time). I'd really just like to get one or two videos...

And one more question...what is the best price for just one video. Best I can find is $21.

Mommy to baby girl 5.8.04

09-28-2005, 09:53 PM
Without question, it is volume 3 for us. It was extremely well made and is a lot of fun. It has a lot of basic words that came in really handy (except candy :) )

My second choice would be volume 2, then volume 6. I wouldn't bother with 4 or 5 as the concepts are too advanced IMO.

Here's the list of words covered if you haven't seen it:

09-28-2005, 10:58 PM
Both nephews love the Rainbow song from #6. That has to be the main reason I voted for it. Seriously, these kids are addicted to that song!

My youngest nephew who is just 2 weeks older than your DD, hasn't gotten any signs from the videos (it's from us using them in real life.) But from a pure joy I choose 6 (plus I prefer newest videos as far as songs/editing and such.)

09-28-2005, 11:08 PM
Perhaps you know this, but the Rainbow Song can be viewed here anytime!

I watched it today to get a feel for the videos are like and I see why your nephews adore it!

09-29-2005, 12:50 AM
thanks Marisa for thinking of us. Believe me, that site gets regular views from us!

I was taking care of my nephews for the weekend at the beginning of the month and my way to "bribe" them to eat dinner was a promise of the rainbow video on the computer! Imagine the tears after watching it a dozen times in a row!

Volume 6 is what got my older nephew into colours. And he's into them with a passion now! The only one he can't say still is orange, but signs it up a storm. He was quite thrilled today at lunch when I gave him the orange plate *and* orange cup! Oh to be thrilled by that!! :P

ellies mom
09-29-2005, 01:39 AM
It was really hard to decide between vol two and three but I went with three because I love the "I'm a Boy, I'm a Girl" song that they play during the credits. Now if I can just get DD to understand that she is a girl.

I've only seen the first three and I like vol. one the least. I think if I had seen it first, I'd have been a bit bummed also. I'd really like to get both two and three. Maybe I'll ask for them for Christmas.

I really recommend trying to get them from the library. That is how we watched the three we saw. We were able to keep them long enough to get an idea of how much DD would like them.

09-29-2005, 11:54 AM
I did not vote since I've only seen vol 4 a couple times and vol 6 a couple times and I know 1-3 pretty well. Haven't seen 5 yet. I actually like vol 4 quite a bit and it's less frenetic (IMO) than 6 or even the silly pizza song of 3. Kaya likes making the grumpy face of 4 as well as the scared sign. I'm not so sure she understands any of the concepts, but it's nice that when she was afraid of something yesterday, I was able to use the scared sign to help her understand. I also liked learning the relatives signs, so I can do them with her when she sees her aunts, uncle, cousins, etc.

Since you'd only like to get one or two more, checking them out from the library sounds like a really good idea so that you (and your DD) can see which ones work best for you.


http://www.mothering.com/discussions/images/smilies/candle.gif for Leah

http://www.gynosaur.com/assets/ribbons/ribbon_emerald_18m.gif , 19 months, hoping for 2 years


09-29-2005, 12:49 PM
We only have Volume 1-3 and 2 is DS's favorite. We love the songs- "clean/dirty", "hurt", and "the good".

09-29-2005, 02:41 PM
The public library back in FL where I used to live did not have the videos...but I havent thought of going to the new libary where I live now.
I live in a much smaller city now, so I'm doubtful if the library will have them...but its worth a try!


09-29-2005, 02:53 PM
A friend of mine was able to get our library to buy them by filling out a request form. :) Its worth a shot.

They're all good, in my opinion. I couldn't choose just one.

10-11-2005, 12:11 AM
bump. I have only seen volume 3 (whichever is Everyday Signs), so I can't compare.

10-11-2005, 04:22 PM
Out of these I voted for vol 6 However, I must say that I ADORE Baby ST and so does DS who even though he can sign most of the signs in the videos he love the songs - There is a lot more of what I think you might be looking for in terms of kids doing the signs and the MEANING behind them - you might want to check it out

DS Bennett 1-14-04

10-12-2005, 01:15 PM
i tired the library route before i bought them used and i could never get my hands on them. the 3 volumes were spread over 3 libraries and people kept just rechecking them!
we have the old vol. 1-3 that i bought used from another mom. dd knew a lot of signs already so vol. 1 was kind of a waste. i like vol 2 and only the 2nd half of volume 3. the first half of volume 3 has a lot of emphasis on food, especially junk food so that doesn't sit well with me.

10-14-2005, 02:54 PM
DS has always loved the intro song, and the woman's red sweater!

12-08-2005, 01:10 AM
It looks like vol 2 and 6 are the winners -- but where can I get a good price?

Mommy to baby girl 5/04

12-08-2005, 10:11 AM
There is a co-op going on right now. There is a thread in the Co-Op Forum that has a link to the Yahoo group.