View Full Version : Frame for outdoor toddler swing - is there such a thing?

05-27-2006, 09:11 AM
We are setting up a play area for our almost 1 year-old son. I want to put up a swing for him, but we don't have a tree to hang it from -are there any other options? I know you can get a climber/swingset combo, but I really want to get him the Tikes Town playhouse instead a climber. Can you buy a freestanding frame to hang a swing? Any other ideas? Thanks!


Tondi G
05-27-2006, 05:13 PM
this site sells the plans and harwdware for building your own swing sets etc... maybe the directions here would help you


this is the link to the hardware page so you can see what you would be looking for and maybe can find at your local home depot??