View Full Version : PBK Sales - how to predict?

06-28-2006, 08:46 AM
Both kids rooms have PBK stuff in it. I want to buy the train rug for ds but would hate to do that and then have it go on sale. Do any of the mad shoppers here have a feel as to when PBK puts stuff on sale so I could try and guess when the rug might go on sale? I'm planning on buying baby #2's big girl bedding since it went on sale. I figure since her baby patterns (the pink bermuda and starfish motifs) aren't so babish that when it came to switch to a big girl bed we could just use the same themes so we could get more use out of the rug. I know buying new bedding added some excitement for ds's switch to a big boy bed but I think esp since he was overexcited and couldn't sleep for a while that when the time comes we could just hype up the big girl bed and make some small changes. So if anyone has any insight into their sale process please let me know.


06-28-2006, 02:30 PM
The Friends and Family sale is usually around the 3rd week
of October. It is 20% off.
Can you wait that long??

06-28-2006, 10:34 PM
What is the Friends and Family sale and how does it work? I probably wouldn't wait that long for the rug because since we've been doing so much with the baby's room I really want to do another big thing with Ds's room so he doesn't feel slighted plus I think the rug will pull the room together more than it is today. For the other stuff I'm eyeing it's already on sale so I'd be afraid that it would be gone by then. Though I am always eyeing something in their catalog. I always have a copy of the catalog around. It's pretty sad how much I look at that catalog! :)
