View Full Version : Woody Click...has anyone seen these IRL?

11-26-2006, 09:34 PM
are they nice? worth the $$?

11-27-2006, 10:56 AM
My 2year old son got the helicopter and police car for a bday gift. They don't get as much play as I thought they might. He and my 3.5 year old enjoyed putting it together a few times, but its sort of limited-like a puzzle...the pieces all belong in one place and you can't change the configuration around to create "new" vehicles. I think they would be more interesting if you could mix and match the pieces.

that being said, they're well crafted and are nice toys and if they were played with more at our house, I was all prepared to buy the construction set at kidsurplus. They had them for a good price a while back, not sure if they still do.


11-27-2006, 01:54 PM
i got a few loose ends here and there from a clearance at TJ Maxx but havne't opened or played w/any of them.

11-27-2006, 08:37 PM
I was intrigued b/c it won an Oppenheimer platinum prize last year, but they are $$$