View Full Version : Signing Times

12-07-2006, 11:57 AM
My son is 2 years old and we have Signing Time videos #1 (My First Signs) and #2 (Playtime Signs). He knows several more signs from daycare, but still seems to really enjoy watching the videos and I like them so that I can know all the signs he does. I was thinking that we might not get anymore videos, as he is pretty verbal now, but he still seems to enjoy them.

So, I have two questions for you all:
1) Did your children continue to watch these videos and learn more signs even after their verbal communication was pretty good (regularly speaking in sentences)?
2) What is your favorite Signing Time video?

Zach (9/3/04)

12-07-2006, 01:35 PM
My DD watches them in spurts. Right now she's completely obsessed with Sesame Street, and as I try to limit her TV time to an hour a day she doesn't get to watch Signing Time on days she watches Sesame Street. But she does still watch them, and she remembers more signs than I do! She speaks in complete sentences and has for a while, but there are individual words I would probably not understand if she didn't clarify with a sign - like 'porcupine'. ;)

I think *my* favorite Signing Time video is #4, Family, Feelings & Fun. *Her* (current) favorites are #8, The Great Outdoors and #9, Zoo Train. (Actually, she's never been to a zoo yet and if you ask her what one is she says "a train!") #7, #8 and #9 are heavily animal-based: farm animals, wild animals and zoo animals respectively, and those quickly became the most-requested in our house when we got that set.

Sarah :)

12-07-2006, 09:43 PM
I personally like that baby signing time videos best but since my son has all those signs down cold and I'm sick of "Mom has a mom" we have started checking the signing time videos from the library. Any signing time video after #3 is better than the first three, it's a mater of choosing topics your child would be interested in. The production value in the later videos is much better than in the first three. If you visit the signing time website you can see what each is about or check them out at your library and see which ones you like and don't like. I'm with the pp I really la la la la love #4.

12-07-2006, 10:35 PM
I agree with checking them out of the library. It allows you to rotate your home videos for FREE!

We just got #8 from the library- and DS loves watching it.

4, 5, and 6 are easy for me to request.... I think 7+ are newer and I have to do an interlibrary loan for them.

12-07-2006, 10:55 PM
LOL, we actually have all 13, and I think we got most of the second half after Kaya was 2. She speaks quite well and has for some time, but she really does enjoy the videos. She likes to use the signs in addition to her words and sometimes asks for the signs of things that are not on the videos. For her, the signing is now just a fun thing, and the signing times are both a source of entertainment and a learning thing for her.

Her favorite does seem to vary from day to day and she will still occasionally ask to see the earlier ones. For a while, any of the animal ones were her favorites, but lately, she's been liking My Day or Going to School. I would say that if you decide to get more, see if you can find them in your local library first to test it out on him. That might help you decide which one(s) to get.


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