View Full Version : Potty Training Reward Chart (X-Posted in Toddler Bargains)

01-19-2007, 02:03 AM
I think it's time to start using some sort of reward chart with DS. Any recommendations? Any to avoid?


01-19-2007, 02:14 AM
Is the Charmin freebie still available? I used it with DD, it was great!

01-19-2007, 03:04 PM
I just made one. I got some poster board, wrote his name on it, had one column for pee and one for poop. He got a sticker to put on every time.

It didn't work for ds but then again no rewards worked for ds. When he was finally ready he just went. We did reward him then (box of small presents that I gift wrapped- "potty presents") but he wasn't going to go just to get a present. :)
