View Full Version : Cool toys for new baby to give her Brothers (almost 3)

06-06-2007, 01:26 PM
I would like to create a stash of cool toys for baby girl to gift her twin brothers when she is born, and in the following month of time before they start preschool. The boys will be 2 years 9 months when she arrives (in 7 weeks!).
Other than wanting to avoid electronic games, I'm open to suggestions. We actually don't have tons of stuff (space issues). Right now they love matchbox size cars, and are beginning to love drawing/painting and playdough which they do at their playgroup. They have tons of stuffed animals which they do imaginary play with. We also have trains (which they run hot and cold on, possibly because we don't have space for a train table to set up on) and megablox (ditto), and some wooden puzzles (could use more), abc blocks, stacking toys, etc. They could always use new books.
Recently they did love a really cool set of fruit lacing beads at a local playspace but they are $29 at lakeshore (would love to spend less). I'd love something similar--this set rocked because there was a large wooden dowel at the end of the lace that made the activity truly independent for the boys.
Thanks for all of your suggestions.

06-06-2007, 05:16 PM
Congrats and best wishes!

We recently went through a similar thing. My DD was/is the same age (2 y, 9 m) when her little brother was born. Following some advice I saw posted here, I got DD some gifts "from baby brother" that would keep her occupied while she was visiting us at the hospital. There, we gave her an "I'm a big sister" book, a magnadoodle, and a viewmaster with animal slides. The book and magnadoodle were big hits; she was not as a big a fan of the viewmaster as I was as a kid. I found the book at Marshalls and the other toys at Kohl's.

We also gave her some gifts from Mommy and Daddy to open at home -- bike helmet, soccer ball, and wiffle ball/bat. The helmet and soccer ball were things she "needed" anyway, but we thought it would be fun for her to be able to open them and feel special after the baby came home.