View Full Version : Problems with Bumbo seat breaking?

07-10-2007, 10:50 PM
We had a new Bumbo seat for the little girl I babysit, and we were able to use it for about 3 months before she got big enough to get out of it. I just took it out for my son and we've used it three or four times for him. I also just picked up the tray for it.

Then last night I noticed there are cracks in it! It looks like the front part (that holds him in) is ripping at the base, meaning if he leans forward onto it enough it will probably rip off. I can't believe this is breaking and is already unsafe. I realize things don't last forever, but a product running $40 plus needs to go further than only 3 months.

Is anyone else having this problem or is my seat defective? I'm writing to the company to inquire about the longevity expectations, and I'm curious to see what long-term experiences others have had.

And I had to complain! I liked this seat and I can't believe it's already broken.


07-11-2007, 12:47 AM
I have a two year old hand-me-down bumbo seat and it still looks new. I didn't notice any cracks or rips. Most likely, you just have a defective one. Is it too late to just return the item back to the store?

07-11-2007, 01:38 PM
I would also say defective!

Ours is 2 years old... and looks great!
has been out in the rain for several days -
cleaned up very nicely in the sink...
still looks new...
and our 2.5 year old has rediscovered the bumbo and likes to sit in it.