View Full Version : How often do you rotate toys? What's your system?

07-12-2007, 09:01 AM
I have an 18 mo and have been rotating her toys haphazardly, when the fancy strikes me or when I notice there are some toys she has outgrown. We have some toys in her room, some in the living room, and some in our tv room. Plus there is a stash out of rotation in the closet. I like to put some away, take some new ones out and then switch up which rooms everything is in, so she will play with different combinations. Since I think we are just about to hit a stage where the toys she will being playing with she won't outgrow for a while, I would like to make a date to rotate them, like every other month. I was curious what everyone else does....


10-19-2007, 10:19 AM
BTT.....for you....

our rotation system is whenever all of the toys are picked up off of the floor - then DS picks something else to dump on the floor and play with something new.

but seriously...
you could have a weekly "theme" to your toys...
or a monthly theme

your activities are based around the theme as are the toys.

I saw a great book at the bookstore, but the name is slipping my mind right now... I'll try to find it.

but check out - or other similar books.

