View Full Version : Can anyone tell me about video games and reading?

08-10-2007, 02:26 AM
DD is drawn to the leapsters and vsmile handheld games at target like a moth to flame. She also LOVES her cousins gameboy. Tonight dh and I were discussing the possibility of her recieving a handheld game unit for her birthday. Dh raised an interesting point.

Should we wait to get her a game system until she's a really good reader?

Which would I guess be about 6-7 years old(correct me if I'm wrong here). I had thought that this would be something she could play with in the car and in waiting rooms and at other non kid friendly places and situations. But now I'm concerned that she won't have her nose in a book if she's already got it in the gaming system. So do any of you ladies have experience with this or has anyone done any research? I could really use your input on this. Thanks so much.

08-10-2007, 08:51 AM
Kids do not need to read for the preK and K Leapster games. Most of the games in that age bracket do work on pre-reading skills.

FWIW, my 5 (almost 6) DD has the Leapster. And while she plays with it a lot when we travel, at home she prefers to have her nose stuck in a book. We have a twice a week library habit. :)

08-10-2007, 01:47 PM
We have Leapsters. I really like them, so do the kids. They both are avid book "readers" too. I said if it took away from their love of books, I'd restrict or remove them. Hasn't been a problem.

Generally, they have access to them all day, but they don't have them in their room at bed time. Wasn't a conscious choice, Leapsters just tend to live downstairs or in the car. They each go to bed with at least a dozen books in bed with them, and that hasn't changed a bit.

I can't really say they play with Leapsters daily, or even weekly anymore. They did at first though!

Occasionally, when my daughter isn't sleepy yet, but we are, she is allowed to play with it and her books in bed.