View Full Version : Please help me decide on Costco Kitchen.....Please

10-05-2007, 05:53 AM
I posted before but really want to hear from those who own/love this kitchen and how you came to decide. I truly love these boards and have gotten so much great ideas and advice from here but here is my dilemma....

*I* love this kitchen. I also love, love, love getting a bargain. DS likes the Step2 dream kitchen. I know DD pretty much likes opening and closing doors and putting things in other things. She will just turn 2 at the holidays. My only concern is that we have a 3 month old DS. Is a pink kitchen a bad idea for the future?

Does this kitchen have enough compartments? I fear that too many of DD's toys have lights, music and she has grown to just enjoy pushing buttons and would do so with the Step2 kitchen whereas I just want her to start using her imagination more. I could always just not put batteries in....

I am so torn but my friend can pick up the kitchen at her costco-they have a ton. I have not seen it IRL...

What are your opinions...

10-05-2007, 07:48 AM
I don't have any personal experience with that kitchen, but one thing to consider if you haven't seen it IRL....it is on the shorter side. It is lower to the ground than the Pottery Barn set for example. I know some people said that for the price, they'd just elevate it on some sort of platform eventually as their kids grow, but it is something to consider.

Personally, pink wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker for me with a DS as long as I liked the kitchen. I wish more kitchens were gender neutral (although I've seen more now that are thankfully), only because I hate that they are marketed more heavily to girls. I don't think my DS would object to a pink kitchen though. He's 3.5. Our kitchen has been one of our most played with toys by far.

10-05-2007, 03:17 PM
We purchased this kitchen last year. I was in love with the PBK ones, but just couldn't justify the huge price. I would of loved a gender neutral one, but since it was going in their room and not in my living room, I was ok with the pink. We have 2 DD's (3.5 year old and a 12 month old). They both love the kitchen. I was worried about the height, but my dh convinced me that I was over thinking it and that he could easily raise it if we need to later. I'm glad he convinced me because now I love that it's low enough for my 12 month old to play too because she does have fun with it everyday! We have a friend that has a 5 year old boy and he plays too and doesn't seem to have a problem with the height.

Oh and it definitely has enough compartments. So overall it was a great buy and it is holding up great! Hope that helps!

10-05-2007, 04:05 PM
We have this one. While I wasn't a big fan of the pink color, we decided to get it anyways. I don't think boys will have a big issue with the color (not the younger ones, at least.) I've had 5 year old boys play with ours (and love it.)

Dd is a button pusher as well, but she has a lot of fun turning the knobs on her stove. She has plenty of other buttons to push around the house... like the Tivo button, lol! I think the kitchen has plenty of compartments. Especially with the big fridge, which I totally appreciate now. We used to put everything back nicely. These days, we're lucky to shoves things back in at the end of th day.

10-05-2007, 08:27 PM
We have it and love it. My girls are 2 and 9 months. The pink is way more than my usual style but it somehow works on this kitchen. I'd have no problem with my son (if I ever had one) playing with it.

ETA: we also have the fridge to go with it, and I rec it since it gives you more space to "hide" all the kitchen accessories!