View Full Version : Best Chalkboard paint? ANy tips?

10-08-2007, 09:11 AM
We have decided to paint a large wall in our house with chalkboard paint. Anyone know which brand is best? Any tips if you have used it on a large area?


10-08-2007, 10:53 AM
No BTDT advice, but I know some people have said to just make sure you consider the chalk dust, where it might fall, and if it will be easy to clean up where you are putting the wall. I'm not sure how much that matters, but it is something to think about, just in case.

Martha Stewart's magazine had an issue last year where they showed formulas for making different colors of chalkboard paint. I'm sure it is still on her website. That way, if you want a custom color, you can create it, and you are limited to what is commercially available (if you want something less traditional).

10-09-2007, 02:42 PM
Thanks. I did find the article on Martha's site if others are interested.


It sounds neat but the idea of sanding a whole wall the size I want might be overwhelming. Plus I think the room can handle the black.

I am quite surprised my online searching has not revealed any comparison reviews of all the paints out there.

10-14-2007, 12:48 PM
THANKS FOR THE CUSTOM LINK... can't wait to get into a new house and do this!! we're going to do the non-painted side of DS's train table in chalk bd paint as well!!