View Full Version : Need input- a few questions...

11-12-2007, 03:29 PM
1) What do you get for an almost 1yo DD w/an older brother? DS has so much already that DD is happy playing with- I'm having trouble coming up with gift ideas for her 1st Christmas and b-day. I'm thinking a Stella doll and doll stroller (she loves to push stuff). Maybe some new puzzles- any other ideas?

2) If you have close Christmas/b-days, how do you handle it? DD's 1st b-day is four days after Christmas. I'm not sure how to go about gift giving. I don't want to go overboard, but I also don't want to get into the habit of, "Well, it's her birthday AND Christmas present." I just don't think that's fair.

Any thoughts/input?


11-12-2007, 04:57 PM
I think a doll and stroller would be a great idea. Trying to think what DD liked at that age. She LOVED balls but your DD probably has access to lots of those with a big brother. She received the Little People dollhouse at that age and liked it. She is 3 now and it still gets lots of play. She also really liked instruments if you don't have those. You could always give her some girlier books. Maybe some bath toys and/or art supplies. Those are things that can be upgraded/replaced.

I think for a first birthday and Christmas your DD won't understand the difference. Really, we barely got my DD anything those first years because she got so much from other relatives and we knew she didn't understand it. As she gets older, I would just make sure you try to keep it even with her brother. It may seem like more at one time but kids will definitely know if they are getting jipped!


11-12-2007, 05:13 PM
A doll and stroller would be great. The Little Tikes shopping cart, Push and Ride Racer and lawn mower have been big hits here since a little past age 1 and still enjoyed a year later and by bigger kids (3-4ish) too. And those three Little Tikes toys are all made in the US, too.

We have a bday right after Christmas here too. For his first, we had the 'party' about 2 weeks later, in mid-January. He is still too little to understand Christmas or birthdays but I like keeping them separate events. Nothing else is really happening in mid January so it is nice to get family together post holidays so we'll be doing it again this year and for at least a few years to come.

For DS first Christmas and birthday we didn't really get him much, since he was getting stuff from other family members anyway and he wouldn't know the difference. We are doing something similar this year (almost 2) but next year we'll start doing more since he'll understand it more.

11-13-2007, 10:27 AM
I'm in a similar situation. DD will be 1 in mid-Dec, and she has a brother who will be 4 in Feb. SHe certainly doesn't need much at all.
For her bday she's getting the Haba Kugelbahn ball track (and I think it is something DS and her can play together). I'm also giving her a Spiel und Holz birthday ring (will eventually be used w/ both kids) as a new family tradition.

For Christmas, she's getting some Spiel und Holz nesting rainbows, some Holztiger farm animals, and she and DS are getting a new kitchen set (DS's old one was a curbside MDF find that has gotten a lot of play in the past 2 years, but probably won't hold up that much longer). My mom got her an Evi cuddle doll and a Selecta rattle.

For bdays, we'll handle it just as we would any other time of the year (my bday is a few days before Christmas as well). This past year I took DS out to celebrate his "half birthday." We went to the coffee shop and he picked out a muffin and we played at the park. Not much different than stuff we do in a typical week, but we made a big thing out of him being "three and a half." As DD gets older, I'll try to make her half birthday something a little special. As they get older, I've considered giving a gift for their half bday and giving less for their actual bday. Not sure exactly how we'll handle that just yet.

DS's bday really is only a few weeks after Christmas. Until now it hasn't been that overwhelming because I generally give one big gift per bday, and then maybe one other small thing. That way, while it might cost quite a bit, at least it isn't a huge amount of *stuff*. This is the first bday in a long time he won't be getting a "big" gift, but instead, is getting several smaller gifts.

There was just a recent thread in the Lounge about December bdays you might find interesting. Several moms here have Dec. bdays or have kids with Dec. bdays, so there's some good insight there.


August Mom
11-13-2007, 01:55 PM
I'm getting DD a Kathe Kruse doll, either Nicki or Rainbow Baby.

http://www.oompa.com/baby-toys/item/KK74191/Kathe-Kruse-Nicki-Baby-Purple.html?oompaItem=Kathe%20Kruse_Nicki%20Baby%2 0Purple or http://www.oompa.com/baby-toys/category.cgi?item=KK22252

And, some things DS didn't have that I wished he did - RF Walker Wagon, Rollipop, stacking rings

11-13-2007, 07:24 PM
Our DD just turned 1 and we have 2 older DSs so I feel your pain!

We are doing like you- she is getting a doll and stroller for Christmas, along with a "My First Purse." I'm sure we'll pick up some other odds and ends. We may end up buying things like tights, bows, and other accessories, for Christmas too!

DS2 has a birthday in January- I try to get him things for Christmas that he'll play with NOW and then for his birthday I buy things that he'll "grow" into. We don't buy alot of toys throughout the year (with 3 kids we have plenty as it is!) so I try to think of things he might enjoy when he gets a little older.