View Full Version : European cars have LATCH

08-10-2004, 08:50 PM
I'm off to England tomorrow, taking the MA, and getting picked up by family. No-one seems to have heard of LATCH, does it exist in european cars, if so what was the year it became standard there.


Lucy DD 3/03

08-10-2004, 09:35 PM
I think they've had it a couple years, just like we have. I haven't read this page thoroughly, but sometimes they have information like that, or try a google of "isofix UK" or something like that to see if you can get a clear answer http://www.britax.co.uk/index.htm
If you get a car that doesn't have it, then you should be just fine with the belts, but be sure to use your lockoffs, as it's very possible that the seatbelts won't lock like they do in US cars (which is why the MA is a great travel choice! no locking clips needed, lol)
Julie CPS Tech and mom to 2 in seats