View Full Version : Wizard resting against driver's seat headrest. Maybe dangerous?

09-29-2005, 11:19 AM
Could it be dangerous for the driver if the top of the back of a RF Wizard is resting against the driver’s seat headrest? In an accident, the Wizard would probably lurch toward the front of the vehicle and put a lot of pressure on that headrest. Since the headrest is mounted on two small metal posts and is not designed to withstand prfrom behind, could it bend or even break off and injure the driver? I have mine installed that way to limit downward rotation of the Wizard in an accident (because of what consumer reports said about the Marathon), but it has occurred to me that all of the seat’s weight would go into the headrest, which might not be so smart. I am now thinking of using the belt rather than LATCH (since Consumer Reports said it didn't have the problem when belted rather than LATCHed) and sliding the seat the Wizard is in back away from the driver's seat (we have a Sienna).

09-29-2005, 12:52 PM
No, it's not dangerous. In a crash, everything moves the same direction... the front seat will be moving forward at the same rate the Wizard is moving backward, essentially. Though, you SHOULD read your manual and find out about your airbags... when things are putting weight against the front seat, the sensors can be disrupted. Personally I think "just barely touching" the seatback is NOT what they are concerned about, and it will stil be better for ride down than 'several inches away', but really cramming things into the front seatback is a no-no due to airbag sensor disruption.

As for Consumer Reports, there is truly no need to worry. The issue they discovered is that the seat rotated back flatter than the government mandated 65 degree downward rotation, but only by 5 extra degrees, on a flat test bench (NOT like your captain's chairs), that has no seatbacks in front of it to slow it down (NOT like your car). The dummy stayed contained within the seat shell and showed no outward indication of injury. So if your seat is tightly installed and slightly more upright than the maximum of 45 degrees, there's no need to install it with the seatbelts rather than LATCH.

Julie CPS Tech and mom to 2 in seats

09-29-2005, 08:41 PM
Your comment about the airbags was really eye-opening. I hadn't thought of that. I guess it would make the car sense a lighter person perhaps. I moved the seat so it is not touching the headrest and noticed that it has left a dent in the headrest. It must have been really pressing hard on it. That can't permanently mess up the airbag sensors can it? You just mean pressure on the seat during an accident, right?

With the Wizard, how do you judge the angle? I fold a piece of paper to make a triangle and then hold it on the seat to be sure the top is level, but I'm not sure how best to do this w/ the Wizard because the head part is so puffy. It doesn't seem accurate because, depending on what you're looking at, the measurement is completely different. What's your trick?

09-30-2005, 08:37 AM
I'm sure your airbags are fine :)
The headrest actually allows you to have the seat MORE upright without the seat being TOO upright, since a sleeping kid will have better head support and not have a floppy head when they sleep (I even installed a WZ in the actual upright position in my friend's tiny car for her 7 mo, and his head didn't flop at all any more, compared to in his reclined infant seat!).
Ok, well, check my usual 'older than a newborn' seat angle in the two bottom pictures http://photobucket.com/albums/y255/joolstag/ the headrest is just a confuser, it really is that shoulderbelt lockoff that's the important part...mine's more upright than 45 degrees, which is fine.
Even check out Toby in the middle picture in his WZ http://www.cpsafety.com/articles/RFAlbum/TobyMA.aspx That's an upright install, and is safe and acceptable :)

Julie CPS Tech and mom to 2 in seats