View Full Version : What is the absolute ideal position for harness slots, FF (Wizard)?

10-14-2005, 01:10 PM
Something in another thread made me think of this (yeah, I'm addicted to knowing all I can about car seat safety, thanks to you guys): Since the WZ allows for "perfect", easy harness adjustment, where exactly should it be FF? Just above the shoulders, right? How much "above"? An inch? 1/2 inch? I would like to make ours "perfect" since it's so easy to do so with the wheel adjuster.

Thanks so much!

Lisa D.
SAHM to Emily Rose born 6/22/04

10-14-2005, 06:38 PM
Really, snugly ON the shoulders is ideal...at or above is the rule they have to make for seats with slots. There's a couple "wiz kids" on this page, you can click on the thumbnails to make them larger, but they give you a good idea of proper fit http://www.cpsafety.com/articles/FFAlbum.aspx
A little above is ok, though, if it makes the headrest more comfy, or getting him in and out of the seat a lot easier :)
Julie CPS Tech and mom to 2 in seats