View Full Version : Looks like the FP seats will be out soon

02-10-2006, 10:00 AM
If you look at the convertible seats on Babyage.com, they have two models of the FP Safe Voyage (the one supposedly based on the RA) listed for $159 and $179. No pictures though. I would assume that the difference is padding and covers. I haven't found anything for the DC based seat yet.

That's a tough choice. $40 to $60 more for a RA, which reinforces to me that the FP seats coming out was exactly why they first stopped Britax discounting, and then raised prices a couple of months ago.

Edited to add: they show up through this link, but not just going through the website. They must be in the process of updating their offerings for the 2006 models:

02-10-2006, 11:33 AM
I found it to be the opposite... I had to go to convertible carseats and even sort by price to see the listings... but they were there.

I'm so thrilled.


02-10-2006, 01:12 PM
I want to see them!!!!!!!!!