View Full Version : Peg Perego PV SIP 2006 Installation Question....

02-10-2006, 10:05 AM
So today I go to get my carseat installed by someone at AAA. We tried to install it using LATCH and that worked fine, but the angle of my back seat is too high at the front of the seat and the carseat is not at the correct angle.

My question...what do I need to do to bring the carseat up where it is attached to LATCH? I have a 2004 Chevy Trailblazer.

If this doesn't make sense please let me know. I think I need to either use a noodle or a towel?


02-10-2006, 12:26 PM
yes, you can use 1-3 sections of pool noodle or rolled towel.

it should make it so the base looks flat... not angled.


02-10-2006, 12:51 PM
You know what? I got the darn seat in. I used one very tightly rolled towel and I had to use the seatbelt. No matter how I treid with LATCH I could not get the angle correct. I tried using two towels...one big and one small, two big, etc....it just didn't work. I tried with the seat belt and voila...it's perfect the first time and it doesn't move at all.
