View Full Version : mountain buggy for serious running?

08-25-2002, 11:40 AM
i need a double stroller come christmas. i will have a newborn and a 14 month old. in the spring, i want to start running again, training for a marathon a year away. is the mountain buggy double as good as the baby jogger twinner when it comes to logging some real running miles? i would love to get away with one stroller for running and one for the mall if i could.


08-27-2002, 01:49 PM
i do have the moutain buggy terrain single.
from what i've gather doing research, i got the impression that this stroller is good for power walking / light jogging but not serious running.

"strollerqueen" would know. she's the one that helped me when buying my mountain buggy.
"strollerqueen" where are you ??


08-27-2002, 09:44 PM
Many might not agree with me, but I honestly don't think the MB is the best for running, especially at the marathon caliber.

It's not about the quality of the MB which is superb, but about the tyres on it. The MB wheel rims are designed for 20 psi but the tyres/inner tubes are the normal ones with 30 psi. So, the tyres would always be 'soft' because it cannot and should not be inflated over the 20 psi limit. With 'soft' tyres, I find it hard to push comparing to a jogger with fully inflated tyres. So running with one might mean you have to exert more strength to push the MB. It probably does fine on paved track, but if you are training on rough terrains, it probably is not the best one.

The other issue is the wheel size -- not a huge issue, but with 12" vs. say a 20" or the new Baby Jogger 3 with 24", less ground can be covered per revolution.

Check www.mountainbuggyusa.com for retailers near you. If there isn't one, you can always talk to Alan at MB USA to try it out. MB has a good returning policy.

The best thing to do is try the MB and other joggers to compare. The MB has many features that are much better than other joggers, but in your case, just be aware that the tyres and wheels might not be the best for you. Oh, you would want the Terrain rather than the Urban with the swivel front wheels.

Also, please consult your physician about running with a young infant. It is generally not recommended for younger than 1 yr old.

Hope that helps.

08-28-2002, 08:56 PM
Hmmm, I just received my Terrain double today and I have to revise my original opinions (blush)...

I ran a short distance with it this evening and it held up very well, despite my reservation about the 'soft' tyres. Here is my quick review on the PP Stroller board.


If you are looking for a light, compact, easy to fold and transport double jogger that can fit through doors, the MB Terrain is it!

08-28-2002, 10:34 PM
Here I am! Yes, serious marathon runners train with the Mountain Buggy in New Zealand.

The Baby Jogger is definitely too wide for the mall. In fact, it's even too wide for the sidewalks around here. Every time I push my friends, I run off the side into the grass.

I do take my MB to the mall and restaraunts on occasion.:-) :D :7