View Full Version : Do I need a Mountain Buggy?

02-28-2003, 05:39 PM
My oldest 3 children are out of strollers and I have a new Zippy for DD who is a month old. We live in the suburbs and I do alot of errands - mall, etc. so I know I'll want the Zippy for that. But for summer trips to the zoo, etc. and for park walks I am wondering if the MB would be preferable.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Also, what is the youngest age that a child will comfortably ride in the MB.

Thanks -


03-01-2003, 01:08 AM
If you consider a fixed-wheel all-terrain, you should look at the Emmaljunga EC1. Absolutely gorgeous, great quality, great price right now.

Heritage Baby is selling them for a really low price on ebay. If you go to http://www.babiesalley.com, choose strollers and EC1, there are specs and pictures. The only thing is it doesn't have a full recline, but you should be able to use it comes the spring/summer when your baby is older.

The MB are great, but if you don't really need it, then why spend the money on it while you can probably get the same use out of the EC1