View Full Version : can joggers grow?

04-13-2003, 11:14 AM
I am in the market for a jogger and currently have an 11 month old DD. However, there is an excellent chance that in the next 12 months we will have another child. Do I anticipate the second child and buy a 2 seater? Do any of the joggers grow to accomodate another child? Should I buy a jogger now for one and sell it when I have two? Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

04-13-2003, 11:44 AM
Do you really jog, or are you just thinking of an all-terrain or walking stroller? If you are not a runner, the Kiwi Explorer can be used as a single or double and gets wonderful reviews as an all-terrain. As a single, it is a lot like the Mountain Buggy Urban.

Some Mountain Buggy dealers also have trade-in programs for single-to-double (or back to single) buyers.


04-13-2003, 01:03 PM
I just bought a Kiwi Explorer and have a few pics up if you are interested in seeing it. The Kiwi is similar in price to a Mountain Buggy, but you can buy the options you need, as you need them. It has a swivel front wheel (that can lock) like the MB Urban. Unlike the MB, when you're ready, you can attach a second seat behind the first. It makes a very compact double stroller compared to SBS double joggers.


The whole website is under construction, but the Kiwi section is pretty complete :)

Also, the manufacturer's website is http://www.babybuggy.co.nz/frameset.htm

04-13-2003, 04:36 PM
I'm still pregnant but have been looking into all of my options. The only jogger that I can think of that "grows" is a Gozo. Here is a link to one at joggingstroller.com: http://www.joggingstroller.com/brand/gozo/gozo-1x2.shtml

It seems to get good reviews and I've seen one IRL... it's really cute. The only thing that seems pretty lame to me is its surrey-like canopy. I just have a hard time believing it is that effective. Good luck in your decision!

04-14-2003, 12:54 AM
Actually, it's the best canopy I've ever had on any stroller I have owned, and that is a lot! What you can't see from the pics is that there are snaps along the top of the canopy, and you can unsnap the side flaps to lengthen them, or shorten them, depending on the sun. My biggest problem w/ the Gozo is that it does not fold. If you have an SUV or Miniwan it might not matter. But it does with a sedan. You have to partially dissasemble it to fit in a trunk.

I have also had the Kiwi Explorer, the Mountain Buggy Double Terrain, and the MB Double Urban. All of the above, Gozo too, are great strollers! They all have advantages and disadvantages, it really just depends on your individual situation.

04-23-2003, 05:19 PM
hi there, I am considering either the gozo or a new kiwi explorer for when baby #2 comes in Nov. I will be mainly using it for uneven neighborhood sidewalks and gravel, grassy areas. I am not concerned about folding or weight as long as it is easy to push. Could you tell me which one you like better for what I need it for. Also, which one is longer? Thanks!