View Full Version : Jogging stroller thoughts?

06-03-2003, 06:45 PM
We have used a stroller for the first 11mos. of young Owen's life and we want a more heavy walker friendly one.
The only ones we have seen in person are the Zoopers, and of those the Buddy looked fantastic. I am sure we could spend hours upon hours looking for more, but the Buddy looked pretty good.

Any thoughts as to what people think is important for this kind of stroller, and what we should get? I went to joggingstroller.com, but they don't sell the Zooper and I'd like to actually try the stroller out in person before buying.

06-03-2003, 10:14 PM
I have the Buddy and really like it for what I use if for, but depending on what you need, it may or may not be right for you. The Buddy is very heavy, but it works great for walks on rough surfaces and comes with lots of great accessories. So if you don't mind the weight, it works pretty well for walking. I don't think it would be great for jogging though, so if you want a jogger, I might look at something with larger wheels.

There have been a lot of threads on the Buddy, so do a search and you'll probably get even more info.


06-04-2003, 01:45 PM
Thanks for the help. Any thoughts on what might be comparable to the Buddy if we wanted to look elsewhere?

06-05-2003, 12:21 PM
One that I've you'll see mentioned over and over again that's a little higher end than the Zoopers are the Mountain Buggy strollers. I've never actaull seen one IRL, but they sound amazing and from what I've read, I would guess that teh MBTS (Terrain Single ?) is the one most similar to the buddy (fixed front wheel, more for trails, etc.).

I'd be perfectly happy with my Buddy if it weren't for the weight issue and I'm not sure it's possible to get something much lighter for offroad, rough terrain walking type stuff. Everything else about it has been great. I live in a rural area and needed something heavy duty for walking on the roads near our house and I love the way it pushes and everything. One other stroller I looked at originally, but couldn't justify was a Teutonia -- it seemed like an amazing stroller and I know they're now being distributed by Britax in the US, so they're starting to show up in stores (at the time I was looking the only place you could get them in the US was from Heritage Baby in La Jolla).