View Full Version : Girosol type carrier questions...

06-10-2003, 03:19 PM
I am thinking about making a Girosol type carrier out of Solarveil mesh material. I figured it would be light weight, and sun protective for the summer. Do you think this would work? Also how wide is this type of carrier. I have a large frame, and am having problems finding comfortable carriers besides my OTSBH and my Baby Trekker, both of which tend to be warm in the summer. Do you think this would be too warm? I am planing to make a regular sling out of the Solarveil so maybe this would just totally be over kill? Hmmm... Any advice from the sling/ carrier experts?

06-10-2003, 04:24 PM
Here are some intstructions for making a Didymos/Girasol like sling: http://groups.msn.com/MamaRoo/didymossling.msnw

I guess as to whether it will be too warm depends on several things: how you tolerate heat, whether your baby is a "furness" type, and the carry you are using. If you were planning on doing the wrap n cross carry then it might be too hot with the fabric wrapped around you. The regular cross carry would probably be fine, as would the side cross carry and any of the back carries, I would think. I used a regular Didymos during the summer and survived!

Don't ask me about overkill! LOL But IMO a ring sling has different used to a wrap around.


06-17-2003, 03:19 PM
Hi Kath,

Did you make a Girosol carrier out of the Solarveil Mesh material? Did it work?

gina, mom to 3