View Full Version : waltz vs. espresso vs Techno XT

02-21-2005, 04:57 PM
Just when you think you've got it narrowed down....
I'm getting ready to move to the next step post snap and go and I need advice! I had originally narrowed down my choices to the P3, Zippy, SC Camden and Techno but found that all but the Techno were too heavy for me. I'm still unsure if the Techno is what I want (tippiness, small basket, small canopy)) but I'm drawn to it due to the excellent steering, easy fold and managable weight. I've been searching the boards and am curious about the Inglesina Espresso and Zooper Waltz. My questions about them are....as compared to the Techno
1. Do they seem heavier? Is the espresso noticeably lighter then the Zippy?
2. Would these strollers hold up to city sidewalks?
3. Are the baskets and canopies decent...or atleast better then the Techno?
4. How about Tippiness?
5. Are they suitable for a post snap and go baby..I figure we'll need it at the 3-4 month mark?
6. Do they really have a one handed fold?


02-22-2005, 12:29 PM
I wrote you a long post and it wouldn't post. Darn.

Anyway, these are different strollers in that some fold like a book and some like an umbrella. They all range from 16-17lbs (2005 models) and the Techno was right in there. So weight isn't going to be an issue.

The one handed fold on the Zippy is VERY cool. You can do it standing upright. The Techno has a 1-handed fold but you have to bend down to the ground to latch it closed...possible while holding a baby but not as comfortable...though I see so many of these in NYC I think you get used to it quickly.

As far as baskets I don't think any of these are better than any other. If you consider the P3 you can access that basket pretty well (from the side). But it is heavier, especially the new 1-handed folding one.

Can you try them out in a store?

Hope this helps, and I hope this posts!
