View Full Version : Cheaper 2nd Stroller

07-11-2005, 09:55 AM
Hey ladies - you were responsible for my P3 purchase - which I have loved loved loved. So, I'm sure I could search on here and find some answers, but you all probably have some ideas off the top of your head. DS is at that age where he wants to push the stroller himself. This has made for some long walks and trips through the zoo since he can't really see of the P3 or steer it. The other day we walked to a friends house w/o the stroller and once there decided to go to a park. The friend had one of those cheap umbrella strollers she had gotten for free that she offered for me to use just to have something in case DS got tired. I hated the way there was no support under his tush, but I loved that he could push it. I've been thinking about getting a second stroller for a while to keep in the house and leave the P3 in the car. Suggestions? Under $50, umbrella fold, lightweight - we're past the age of big diaper bags. TIA
Alex 2-4-03

Tondi G
07-11-2005, 04:38 PM
what about a Mac Volo or maybe a Chicco Caddy or London ( http://www.babyuniverse.com/cat.asp?store=baby&catid=284&secid=33&lang= ) They have the Caddy in Red for 49.99 here!

Good Luck
Mason 7/8/01
Aidan 5/4/05