View Full Version : e3 V2 question- re: young baby and toddler and car seat

05-28-2006, 02:47 PM
I am thinking of buying a e3 with double kit- I was wondering if you could put a toddler in the back and put the younger baby in front in recline the seat just a bit for the younger baby. I know that once my baby is about 4-5 months she won't want to be completly flat in newborn mode- but I am afraid she won't be big enough for the toddler toddler mode?

Also- has anyone "unofficial" used a graco infant car seat in the back seat with a toddler in the front or visa-versa? I am thinking of this only for quick trips.


05-28-2006, 03:46 PM
I have not tried what you are asking.

I just got my E3 w/ the doubles kit. I have a 3.5 YO and a 23 month old for now. We are expecting another in Sept.

IMO, the front seat is pretty reclined even when in the full upright position. I think a 4-5 month old would be comfortable in it. But when you do release the recline hooks/clasps, the seat does go far enough back to where the toddler in the back would be squished.


05-28-2006, 04:33 PM
I have used the front seat in the unzipped reclined position (not the newborn mode) while using the second seat behind. We have used this setup with our napping toddler in front and our infant in the back seat. This set up definitely provides less room for the back seat passenger and I would be a bit concerned that an active toddler in the backseat would bump the baby from behind - especially when climbing in/out. Also, you should make sure that your toddler is still under the weight limit for the backseat - our 2.5 year old is definitely over the limit.

As other folks have suggested, I "unofficially" used our Graco Snugride in the newborn bed while having my todddler ride up front. This worked well for us for short periods of time, but it's not officially recommended by Phil & Teds.

Lastly, we have a V1 and our infant was very comfortable in the back seat starting at 3.5 months old. We used a Snuzzler for extra support, but the seat had plenty of recline for him at that point and he looked super comfortable. I think the V2 may have less of a recline, though.


05-28-2006, 04:55 PM
Yup! I did all of those non-recommended things. I put the infant seat in the front for the newborn. It actually kind of hooked over the napper bar. Wedged the infant seat into the back with the toddler in the toddler seat attached up front. I found it very hard to have the baby in the toddler seat in back so close to the ground. The baby needed more attention than the toddler and I was constantly leaning over and my back was killing me! Mary