View Full Version : Which Bugaboo model?

07-18-2006, 09:32 PM
Cameleon, Frog or Gecko? My local store has displays of the Cameleon and Gecko but no Frog to test push. (they can order it if I want to buy one though). I can find a compairson chart on the bugaboo website for Cameleon v Gecko but not for the Frog. Does anyone have one? What are it's differences? My husband is dead set on a bug, I just have to pick the model.

07-19-2006, 11:06 AM
There was a good discussion about all three not too long ago (as well as all over the board), so if you do a search on here, you might find some more info.

We went with the Frog.

Chameleon seat is a tad bit taller so it may last longer. The handle is adjustable, so if you or DH is very tall, this might be helpful. You can choose 2 different colors and the fabrics are more of a fleece than a canvas (like the Frog and Gecko). Also, the Chameleon has different shocks. Larger storage bag too.

I preferred the canvas of the Frog, and we were getting all black so the color choice didn't matter to us. The shocks on the Frog were just fine for us, and neither me nor DH is really tall so we didn't need the adjustable handle.

The Gecko doesn't have foam all around the seat frame, so there is some aluminum exposed. I believe the canvas isn't as nice as the Frog. And there isn't a handle bar on the bassinet or seat chassis like there is on the other two. I think of the Gecko as the bare-minimums of the Bugs. I think the Frog is only $50 more or so, and for that amount of money (compared to what you're spending already), it's worth it for a nicer model.

07-20-2006, 02:18 AM