View Full Version : Advantages or Disadvantages of Double Jogger with single or

11-21-2006, 08:51 PM
double wheels in the front? Does anyone know? I am trying to decide between the BJCD and the BOB Revolution Duallie and a distant third the DD Manhattan Double....
dd #1 09/24/02
dd #2 11/19/03

11-22-2006, 01:58 AM
A couple of differences to think about, besides the wheel...the BJ is the narrowest of the three, coming in at just under 30". So you will have an easier time getting through doorways with that one. Also, the 2006 BOB only has a partial recline, and 16" rear wheels. So that would also big pretty big if you have to go indoors. The Dreamer is huge, just huge. If you are under 5'3, you probably won't be able to see over the top of the canopy. It is also pretty heavy, and folds big.

11-22-2006, 03:09 AM
Both the BJCD and the BOB have a lot of fans, both good strollers. Don't know anything about the DD, sorry. If you are planning to use the stroller for walks going up and down curbs though, that's where I'd prefer to have two wheels in front. Going up or down a curb with a single swivel wheel in front is hard/dangerous with a single stroller let alone a double. To be safe, you'd have to back down or up the curb and that would annoy me for sure. Just one consideration....
