View Full Version : Anyone have problems with BabyCenter..

09-20-2004, 02:30 AM
More specifically with them posting reviews that are negative. I have recieved a bunch of emails recently from folks who are searching for new strollers, and have written negative reviews dor the BabyCenter website. All said if it was a pricey stroller and they rated it with one star it was never posted. If they went back a month or two later and did a negative with 2 or more stars, it got posted. Anyone else experience this? I guess I found it odd, since it "pads" the ratings of the pricier strollers they sell. :-(

Editted to fix spelling.

09-20-2004, 03:21 PM
Oh my goodness, if that's the case then that would greatly affect the overall score of the product, which alot of people, including myself base decisions on.

Almost makes me want to 'test' it out!