View Full Version : websites that ship to canada?

08-14-2006, 02:35 PM
anyone know of websites that ship to canada? specifically i'm thinking of ordering a stroller from US and having it shipped here (Toronto). Prices seem much better in the states and the exchange is good for us right now.


08-15-2006, 01:53 PM
Sorry -- I have no useful advice, except to say maybe x-post in the Canada board.
I struggled with this same problem and ended up looking only to eBay...

09-09-2006, 12:00 PM
arunningstroller.com will ship to Canada fast. The only problem is that you'll get dinged w/ duty by Cdn customs. I think it pretty much wipes out any savings. I knew this in advance when I purchased my stroller but I couldn't get the same thing here so it was worth it to me.
