View Full Version : You missed your chance!

05-27-2004, 07:23 PM
This isn't a complaint - more of a "how out of it can a husband be" story. Let me provide a little background before the story...

Before we had kids, DH would be up every morning between 6 and 7, even when he doesn't have to go to work. He's a big time morning person and doesn't go back to sleep well, so he usually just gets up. Also, he's a college professor, so summers (as in now) are off. We agreed that he would have early mornings since he's up anyways (although he started sleeping in once DS arrived), and he takes care of DS until after 8 when I get up so I get a little more sleep.

Bit of history #2. DS usually gets up around 6:30 - sometimes earlier, and every once in a while he sleeps until after 7. Well, DH has been getting up BEFORE DS on the days DS sleeps in. Fine - no problem. Gives him some quiet time in the morning to himself.

Well, this morning, DS wakes up at 6am at DH makes some comment about not being able to sleep in whenever he wants to because he's tired this morning. Well, duh! That's why you sleep in when DS does! And don't look to me to volunteer to get up at 6am when I'm getting up every two hours starting at midnight and you sleep right through all the night wakings! Besides, DH gets to nap on the couch while sports is on (like right now). As I said at the beginning, sometimes husbands can be so clueless.

05-27-2004, 09:11 PM
That's poopy. Hit him with a frying pan! ;)

05-27-2004, 10:56 PM
Go hide the clicker on him :)

05-28-2004, 09:47 PM
Why is it that men think that they can sit down whenever they want and watch TV anyways...I cant even tell you the last time I watched something when the kids are awake.
My DH turns the TV in every room of the house, full blast.....we even have a TV in the garage.....SICK SICK DISEASE!
Good luck!