View Full Version : Call me stupid...or a lobster

06-21-2004, 12:05 PM
We spent most of the early afternoon at a pool with the IL's and DH's StepFather, as guests of BIL at his country club, which was FULL of ultra rich snooty people - blech! I suppose that's another rant. Went there last summer when DD was a few months old; everyone thought I was the nanny (I suppose they're not used to seeing minorities there for leisure).

I was so concerned about keeping DD protected from the sun, I was constantly slathering the sunblock on her, putting on a long-sleeved cover up, keeping a hat on her, etc.

Well, being the dumb-a*! that I am, I completely forgot to put anything on me. So I'm sitting here with a bright red back and shoulders. ARGH!!!!

Then after spending most of the afternoon outside, chasing DD all over the place, came home, had to tidy up and then run to the market and make dinner for DH's father who is visiting from Florida.

DD went to bed, had to clean up and do some laundry. I was exhausted at the end of the night. Realized once I was in bed that I had forgotten to give DH his Father's Day cards. I was so annoyed that I started crying. Then realized that I had been so busy with DH's stepfather and father, that I never called MY father.

06-21-2004, 08:35 PM

Sorry about your hectic day! If your back and shoulders hurt, get some of that aloe gel and put it in the refrigerator so that you can put it on cold. It feels great. I can't believe the people at the CC just assumed you were the nanny-- idiots!! Hope your day goes went better today.
