View Full Version : Stupid stitches...stupid finger...grrrr Rant Rave!

06-26-2004, 02:09 AM
So this has not been the best of days. I went in to have the ten stitches removed from my finger today. I went to my OB who is also my primary whom I love. I was there three times a week most of my pregnancy and love all of the nurses EXCEPT one.....because of her not being able to find Lil'bits heartrate and blowing it off like it was no big deal I got sent to the hospital, not once, but twice!

Well of course who is the one to take my stitches out HER! The dr that stitched me up did one continous stitch so rather then just getting the knots out (there was one at each end) and unlooping and cutting as she went she cut all the sections which were pretty tight (OUCH OUCH OUCH!) and then cut the last knot (which is where they started) in two pieces, one of which is still in my finger! Basically part of the tail of the knot started to heal under the skin a litle which had she just pulled the knot out like she should have would have come out. Well when the dr looked at it she didnt get all the pieces out so he had to DIG them out! (He even looked at her like she was a moron for doing it that way. He asked where the stitch was and when she said it was a whole bunch of little peices I could tell he was aggrivated because somehow that wasnt right, it sure didnt feel right thats for sure!) He couldnt get the last piece out because its really sore and now almost half of it (of course the section on the pad of my finger) is paritally split open. Its not bleeding or anything and it clearly just needs to keep healing from the inside out, but this was the section that looked healwed the best! Now who knows how much longer its gonna take to heal! I heal really slowly and scar horribly so now all that hard work I did to keep it dry and clean and healing well is down the tube and I have to basically keep it up. ARG!!!!!

and to top things off Lil'bit is not wanting to nurse so I dont even have that as a nice comfort time. WAAAH!

Ok Im down if your still here sorry to gross you out and thanks for listening. I just needed to rant to someone since I now have to go back to the dr in two weeks to have it rechecked and will probably see her again. grrrr X(

06-26-2004, 02:54 PM
Complain about her to everyone you meet.

My ob had a nurse that I absolutely despised. When I had my miscarriage, she made no effort to get me in with my doc, who I absolutely LOVE. She was brusque, had no bedside manner, was just a not nice person. I complained about her constantly to the doctor, the office staff, the other nurses. Apparently I wasn't the only one with complaints because she was let go and now he has a new nurse that I adore.

Let your aggravation be known. It's the only way to get results.

06-28-2004, 10:40 AM
I'm sorry about your bad experience with the nurse.
It amazes me why people like that go into a profession where compassion is a necessity. (Too bad they can't test for it in nursing school, LOL! Although I could probably say the same about some docs as well).