View Full Version : What really stupid things do you and DH fight about???

08-06-2006, 09:19 PM
Apparently I do not know when it is appropiate to use Saran Wrap versus Reynolds Wrap. I hate, hate Saran Wrap and can never get a good seal. It is a constant source of almost unbearable tension in our household. I guess I am the dunce of leftovers. What stupid thing does your husband complain about? (someday I am going to shave this man down and look for the sixes).

#1 Nick 11-18-04
#2 Kate 04-26-06

08-06-2006, 09:29 PM
Um, we have generic costco food wrap.

Mine complains about our room being a mess but leaves he crap everywhere and never puts anything away. I am not his maid, and I remind him that when he complains. ;)

My Waterbabies

kelly ann
08-06-2006, 09:30 PM
In our house...

I hate the way he dries off his hands after he washes them. He shakes them really hard over the sink before using a towel and water flies everywhere. Lately, he has been doing it while I am using my mineral makeup. Hmmmm...maybe I should look at the bright side and be happy he washes his hands :)

Oh, and we are constantly arguing about the vents in the bedrooms (they are on the floor). He is convinced that leaving off the vent cover brings more air into the room...hence, it is cooler. I keep telling him it is a hazard and someone (me) could step in the vent hole and twist an ankle.

08-06-2006, 09:33 PM
Only thing that he complains about me is that I "make" him call his parents and grandparents at least weekly. I, on the other hand, complain constantly it seems ;). The consistent one is that he never ever finishes his food, always leaving a little bite on the table...that he does not eat his veggies thereby setting a bad example for DS...that I have to bug and nag to get him to make **his** doctor's appointments...on and on.

08-06-2006, 09:37 PM
Lately it's been about whose responsibility is it to remember to feed the fish. I run a pretty tight ship around here, if I do say so myself :). DH works late often and I feel like I handle the kids, the house, and even the cat fairly well .. but I stop at the fish.
My mom bought DD a beta a while back and the thing won't die. I know that sounds pretty bad but it's like it's robotic or machanical or something. It sits on a table in a room we never use and DD could not care less about it. Writing this out I feel somewhat horrible and abusive. We just forget to feed it and then either DH or I remember and quicky feed it, shocked it's still alive and then we argue about why the other can't just feed the fish. He feels bad, I feel bad, he's angry at me and then I'm angry at him. And the poor fish just keeps suffering.

08-06-2006, 10:17 PM
DH likes to wash out ziploc bags (presumably to reuse). He also has a little stash of used twist ties hiding in a kitchen drawer. I throw both out any time I find them - but it must drive him crazy too because he hasn't changed his ways in 6 years!

He also likes to remove the vent covers - IME that's an invitation to DS1 to drop something precious or important down that vent, and I will NOT be the one to try to retrieve it!

08-06-2006, 10:24 PM
He gets upset when I stuff trash into the garbage can when it's nearly full and it's harder to pull the bag out.

The most irritating thing is that he will ask me to do or not do something (wipe off the countertops when fixing something to eat, for example) and then as soon as start/cease whatever it is, he stops/starts doing it! Drives me KRAZY.

08-06-2006, 10:29 PM
Well lately it's the AC Temperature. Otherwise it drives me crazy that he does the dishes and doesn't rinse out the since afterward, so old food is still in the drain. YUCK! He also never shuts the drawers, so when I walk around I am constantly getting cuts or bruises from the drawers he leaves open when I run into them.

He also takes his shoes off wherever he wants. So at night l get up to let my old dog go outside and trip over his shoes on the way. This makes me crazy.

What do I do? ..... I never eat my leftovers and I hate doing the dishes.

08-06-2006, 10:35 PM
Hmm DH hates driving when he's not working since he drives a lot for work. But he loves to complain about my horrible driving habits. Says I'm a pain when it comes to how I drive and I should be taken off the road. I constantly tell him if you hate how I drive...drive yourself or get out of my car!!

I hate how DH always and this is sooooo annoying talks to me from other rooms. Like I'm expected to hear him clearly and anser his questions or what not. LIke geez I told him get an intercom...if I'm rustling through drawers, washing dishes, or if DS is sleeping I can't be expected to hear him easily and answer him.

UGH men are pains in the end that's my conclusion!! :) Can't live with them can't live without them.

08-06-2006, 10:40 PM
Funny, my DH calls for me from other rooms just to ask me what I am doing. It makes me nuts sometimes. Just leave me alone for 20 minutes will ya? DH also drives like a turtle. He never goes the speedlimit. I do most of the driving when we are together because I think he's an awful driver.

He gets it from his parents, the worst drivers ever!

ellies mom
08-06-2006, 11:38 PM
My husband and I can bicker over just about anything. We've been an "old married couple" since we started dating. Basically, it drives my husband crazy when I do anything differently than he would. Doing it his way, himself, never seems to occur to him. Usually I try to ignore him for a while and then I just snap and tell him to do it himself and walk off. My husband is definately the type to complain about how I put leftovers away. FWIW, I hate Saran wrap too and use that Press n Seal stuff instead or I just use Reynolds wrap. I love the stuff.

08-07-2006, 08:11 AM
Basically, it drives my husband crazy when I do anything differently than he would.

This made me lol because it describes my dh perfectly. I simply say "Thank you, I don't need help."

As for the latest arguments-
- where to keep the deodorant. I like to keep mine on the nightstand and he likes his in the linen closet. If he sees mine on the nightstand, he will move it to the linen closet. Then when I can't find it he will tell me I hadn't put it "where it goes" and he moved it for me because he knew I would lose it. Um, I DIDN'T lose it- you MOVED it. Otherwise it would be just where I left it. You put your deodorant where you want and leave mine alone!
(We have had this argument every day for the last two weeks or so...)
- when to take your shoes off. Dh wears boots to work and when he gets home comes right in and walks all over the house, tracking in who knows what. Ick. I don't see why he can't just take them off when he comes in the door- there is a chair right there.
- how to brush dd's hair. Dh wets it and slicks it back. I go with her natural part, leaving the curls intact. Dh does not see the difference and so dd spends much of her time looking like a goodfella.

08-07-2006, 08:18 AM
For him, the way I load the dishwasher. Apperently, there is a right way. For me, why he feels the need to have every light on in every room he is not in. Agh, marriage :)

08-07-2006, 09:20 AM
I apparently did not know how to load a dishwasher either!! : ) Until my dh showed me how!? Huh? He'll actually move something if he doesn't like where I've placed it. At first I had to voice "are you kidding me?" Now I ignore it. To funny!

08-07-2006, 10:18 AM
Glad I'm not alone in my incompetence :)

08-07-2006, 10:33 AM
My DH insists on using THE CLUB everywhere. It is my fault. I gave it to him. But, see, I gave it to him when we lived in an urban environment and he worked in a "bad" part of town.

Now we live in the 'burbs and he still puts the Club on --- even inside our garage. Drives me nuts. I think it is insulting to people when we visit their homes and he puts it on.

He complains that I don't care about the safety of this car. Crazy man. :)

08-07-2006, 11:00 AM
>Now we live in the 'burbs and he still puts the Club on ---
>even inside our garage.

Oh dear. Made me chuckle, although it would drive me batty :)

08-07-2006, 11:26 AM
Clothes shopping for him! He complains that I never buy things for him anymore, just the girls and myself. I remind him how I used to buy clothes for him and bring them home only to have him refuse to wear them or they sit in the closet with the tags on. ( shirt & pants from 2 years ago)

And when we go shopping together for clothes for him he looks at everything and all I hear is (1) "nothing strikes me" or (2) "it just isn't me". Well I have two replies to those comments.

1. If you say that one more time, I'll show you something that will "strike" you! lol

2. Hmmm, you say that about everything, just what is your style then? The powder blue sweat pants and shirt you had on when I met you?! UGH!! Almost couldn't see past that outfit...

08-07-2006, 12:14 PM
1) His driving. Hey, honey, guess what? If you miss the light, and we get home 2 minutes later, it's okay! God. Slow down!

2) My driving. Could I please just merge?! These people are going too slow! I'm clear to get over any time. Go ahead. GOD MERGE!

3) Putting DS to bed. His bedtime is 8pm. Why, then, when I get home from the store at 8:30, is he not even in his jammies yet?!

4) Not separating out/rinsing out recyclabes. This one is all me. It's just a pain. I'm kind of lazy.

08-07-2006, 12:18 PM
On the contrary, I am always the one complaining in my house. I think I may have mild OCD because if something isn't done the way I would have done it, it drives me nuts and I have to fix it. And I'm constantly fixing everything.

08-07-2006, 01:27 PM

08-07-2006, 03:00 PM
>Now we live in the 'burbs and he still puts the Club on ---
>even inside our garage.

ROTFLMAO. Wouldn't it be funny if you moved the car while he was sleeping, so that when he went into the garage to drive it, it was gone, club and all?

mom to Emma, stillborn 11/04/04
and Max, 01/05/06

http://b1.lilypie.com/aKGqm5/.png[/img] ([img)

08-07-2006, 04:05 PM
My grandfather always left food on his plate and it drove my grandmother crazy (they were Holocaust survivors and food was not to be wasted obviously) and my grandfather would say that it was "for the angels".

08-07-2006, 05:32 PM
Can I just say that we have this problem too? I do all the laundry (because he shrunk several shirts in a row), which means that sometimes I'm too busy to hang it up right away, and it gets wrinkled.

I do try to iron things, but it's kind of a pain because, well, I hate it and I'm not very good at it. And honestly, he could iron his own things. He knows where the iron is!

But he had a shirt where the pocket flaps were flipped up and so I ironed them down to be nice. "But. This isn't the right shirt", he said.

"You mispronounced 'Thank you'", I said.

08-07-2006, 06:26 PM
"You mispronounced 'Thank you'", I said.
Classic love it.

#1 Nick 11-18-04
#2 Kate 04-26-06

08-07-2006, 07:06 PM
I repeat the same exact gripe every week-
DH likes to stack 2 throw pillows on the sofa to build a little arm rest for himself while he watches TV. Every morning, I come down and destruct his tower, putting the pillows back up on the sofa ends. This is every day, day in, day out.

It is the one thing he does that really, really makes me nuts. Which is why, I believe, he still does it.

Me? I'm perfect, don't be silly!


08-07-2006, 09:13 PM
Home Depot.

Him: I need to go to Home Depot.
Me: What for?
Him: I'm allowed to go to Home Depot.
Me: I never said you weren't, I asked what you needed to get. Is something on sale?
Him: You always make an issue out of HD!

And it goes on from there. I actually like going to HD...or I did before I got married and had to have an argument about it before every trip :P

08-07-2006, 09:21 PM
He just wants to go to HD for the testosterone recharge. Some guys are like that. ;-)

08-07-2006, 09:27 PM
1) The baby gates. I will be hanging out with DD in the family room, with all gates closed (laundry room hall, dining room, stairs, entry/living room area). It is a nice safe area and DD has the run of it to play. DH will come home, open a gate, walk through it, and leave it open. Ugh!! I am constantly reminding him to close the freaking gates!!!

2) The A/C. I like it "normal", while DH is freezing below 80 degrees. Sorry babe, preggo wins on this one.

3)Throwing stuff out. For some reason, DH has inherited a genetic trait where he gets the most perverse pleasure out of throwing stuff out. He is a slob in general, but can't stand if there is an empty crystal light container in our pantry. He literally goes into the pantry every day at least once, scouring the shelves for something outdated, an empty box, or something he thinks we don't need/won't use so he can pitch it. Yet he can have 2 baskets of folded laundry next to his armoire for a month and not care one bit about it! So weird.

08-07-2006, 09:39 PM
Ack! Speaking of laundry, if I find another ball point pen (after today's find, that is) in the washing machine after a cycle has run, I'm not doing DH's laundry any more! And I mean it this time!!

ellies mom
08-07-2006, 10:55 PM
Right, I'm going to have to remember that one. Not that DH will get it.

08-07-2006, 11:31 PM
Two of our sticky issues:

DH likes to empty his pockets of loose change on any flat surface in the house. I have put a receptacle for his change in the kithen, in his office, and in our bedroom. Yet it still ends up on the edge of the counter, the edge of the nightstand--places where DS can reach it and put it in his mouth! "Coins!"

I am the dishwasher freak. That's why I always load. DH empties. I can fit way more in there than he can. I also have a lot of specialty kitchen tools (occupational hazard :) ) and know what can be dishwashed and what needs to be washed by hand, so I need to supervise.

~ deb
DS born at home 12/03
2 year check up: 25 lbs with clothes on and 35 inches!
BFARed for 20 months and 6 days
(Breastfeeding After Reduction is possible! www.bfar.org)


08-08-2006, 11:41 AM
What is it with men and the couch pillows? DH likes to take the pillows OFF the couch and lie on the floor with them. Fine with me, but pick them up and put them back on the couch when you're done. I get up in the morning and the pillows are on the floor. Drives me nutso!

08-08-2006, 02:12 PM
I think that the Costco wrap is far superior to Saran or Cling! It actually sticks to the bowl!

I do the laundry in our house and I can't stand that ALL of DH's T-shirts get taken off inside-out and he doesn't turn them right side around before he puts them in the hamper. Same with all the socks! I get so sick of turning them all back while folding.

08-08-2006, 02:25 PM
I don't turn them right side out. How you put them into the laundry is how you get them back out!

08-08-2006, 03:29 PM
At my grandparents' house, you were always supposed to leave a bite of food on your plate. They were Depression survivors, and if you cleaned your plate my grandfather was always afraid you were still hungry but too polite to say so.

08-08-2006, 03:31 PM
Just FYI, a betta does not need to be fed daily. Giving it a little extra every few days works just as well.

08-08-2006, 04:55 PM
OMG! The Club...too funny!
Maybe someone needs to steal that thing!

08-08-2006, 06:08 PM
ROFL, Marisa! The Club is so 1992. ;)

08-08-2006, 06:24 PM
Oh, we argue about Saran Wrap too. He'll randomly cover things (um, those cherry tomatoes were going to be just fine) and then shove an uncovered plate of cheese into the refrigerator and wonder why it turned icky so fast.

Plus we argue about a) my putting things on the table and b) his piling them all into one neat pile and hiding them, bills and all. Also about lights -- is it necessary to turn them off every time you leave a room (even if I am still in it) is it acceptable to leave them on while you go fetch something, and does anybody really need all four lightbulbs in the bathroom (no, I don't, but why deny me the small pleasure of LIGHT in the morning?)

08-08-2006, 07:42 PM
My DH has decided that we should not look into the mirror while brushing our teeth. He claims it is too much work to clean the mirror above the sink. I admit that my electric toothbrush is a culprit in spraying toothpaste on the mirror, but think it is perfectly ridiculous the way he scurries to the other side of the bathroom while brushing!

He thinks I don't care enough about the cleanliness of our mirror. He's right. At least I care about the cleanliness of my teeth though!

HHCs Mom
08-08-2006, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the chuckle, ladies! :) I needed it!

~ mama to a sweet boy named Harrison ~ 4.6.04

08-08-2006, 08:43 PM
ooh, I like this! same problem here!

08-10-2006, 01:30 PM
Well, let's see.

-I am a no-airconditioning in the car to save gas nazi and he wants to blast it, even when it is not that hot outside.

-He refuses to buy off the rack dress shirts and is dedicated to learning to sew them himself to get the perfect fit and I tease him about the excitement he gets out of trying to perfect a cuff or dart. The man is now too snobby to like the custom shirts his has. He swears that off the rack shirts don't fit. It drives me nuts to be in a fabric store with him.

08-10-2006, 02:12 PM
>-He refuses to buy off the rack dress shirts and is dedicated
>to learning to sew them himself to get the perfect fit and I
>tease him about the excitement he gets out of trying to
>perfect a cuff or dart.

I have to say, that's kinda cute (the sewing part, that is). :) I can't sew very well, but I have forbidden DH from using my sewing machine, lest he become better than me. Yeah, I'm petty, I know.

We have the same AC/no AC problems, too. Can't wait 'til we get an air-conditioner at home.

08-12-2006, 12:30 AM
Whenever I ask my Dh to empty the kitchen garbage can, he does not seem to understand he needs to put in a NEW garbage bag in the can after he takes out the garbage. Which means that next morning I am holding my baby with one hand and try to empty something into the can and either I end up dumping that into the unlined garbage can (yuck) or try to spread the garbage bag over the can with one hand which is not a good idea. Yes I can do a lot with one hand but I have limits.....