View Full Version : Soooooo tired.

11-21-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm at work. I am so tired that I am beginning to feel sick. I'm hot; it's bright in here; I feel faint. All I want to do is lay my head down on my desk. And it's only 2pm.

I have been having trouble sleeping lately. Going to bed and sleeping all night isn't the problem. The problem is that I am waking up between 5am-6am and am not able to get back to sleep - no matter how tired I am. I have not been good about going to bed earlier to compensate for this and I think it's beginning to catch up with me. And I'm hugely pregnant and very uncomfortable.

I wish I could sneak out of the office and go home, but I have a ton of work to do. And MIL watches DD at my house, so going home to nap won't work. I guess I could go to lunch and just nap in my car for a bit.

I'm serioulsy feeling like I'm going to fall out of my chair. Maybe I should go home anyway. Or at least to the car to nap...

11-21-2006, 02:44 PM
Go take a nap. Even if it's a 10 minute power nap, you'll feel much better. It's not like you're being particularly productive right now anyway, right? :)

Late during my last pregnancy I would sometimes just put my head on my desk and close my eyes for a few minutes. Not as good as sleep, but I did get some energy back. That and a glass of water helped.

11-21-2006, 02:44 PM
I am so sorry you are so tired. When I was pregnant and working I luckly lived about 7 minutes away, I'd get some drive thru, woof it down and sleep. A few times I was late getting back from lunch : ), but I was pregnant and tired. Several times I would lay my head down 'just for a second' and 30 minutes had gone by. A co-worker who had her baby at about the same time I got pregnant would sleep in the supply closet. She bought one of those inexpensive water floats and slept on it. I thougth it was very odd at the time, and aggrivating when we needed something in there, but after becoming pregnant I completely understood!

I hope you can get some sleep when you get home from work : ).


11-21-2006, 03:43 PM
I thought about closing my door and laying on the floor, but I'm afraid I'd snore and my coworker at the next desk would hear me. That wouldn't look good at all.

I actually went to Taco Bell and got a Cherry Coke. I have not had caffeine in years! I was preggo with DD#1, nursing her and now I'm preggo with DD#2 so it has literally been two years since I have had much caffeine at all. And although it did me some good to get out and get some fresh air, I still wish my office had a murphy bed! Maybe I'll bring in a water float tomorrow...

11-21-2006, 07:24 PM
do you rememeber when george kastanza made a bed underneath his desk???? bring in a pillow and climb on under there!!!