View Full Version : Grab some cheese...I have lots of "whine"...

12-03-2006, 09:54 AM
Ugh...I'm just having one of those mornings, and I need to vent. I am doing it here, because as far as everyone I know is concerned, "Things are great!" I have to keep my game face on, so I'm just going to whine here for a few minutes and then get back to my game!

Whine #1: I AM SO TIRED OF BEING PREGNANT!!! I know I am very blessed to be a Fertile Myrtle, but I really just want my body back (I guess that won't fully happen until I finish BF DD). I stopped BF'ing DS at 7 months and two weeks later I was preggo- oops! We wanted to have our children close, but weren't really planning on THIS close. I honestly feel like I've been preggo for 2 solid years (it all runs together)! I am completely exhausted- physically, mentally, and emotionally. My back is killing me, my tail bone is "stuck" and it is hard to stand up/sit down, you name it- it hurts! It is getting harder to chase DS (15mos) around the house, and it doesn't help that DH has been working like a dog lately, so I'm completely on my own. Which brings me to whine #2...

Whine #2: I FEEL LIKE I'M ON MY OWN!! I know that DH's career is the reason I can be a SAHM (again, why I'm bitching here, not to DH) but he has been working 24/7 recently and I feel like I'm on my own. We recently moved 2 hours away from my family/friends/network and now DH is working constantly. He came home yesterday for a dinner break, but he got up at 5:40 this morning, and is back at the office now. I feel completely isolated and alone- not to mention bored! I used to be able to visit family, friends, or playgroup buddies when he got busy like this, but I don't have that now, and it is making me a little depressed. Doesn't help that the holidays are around the corner and we're not ready at all b/c I can't shop with DS like I could if DH was with us, or kept DS at home while I went out on my own. ugh...

Oh, did I mention that in the past week I have painted a bathroom, hung lights on the house- both front and back- and put up our artificial tree (the real tree goes up next weekend)? Okay, so maybe that's why my back hurts so badly, but I need to get things done, and I can't wait for DH, so I just need to make it work- big belly, DS in tow and all!!

I think that's all for now. Time to put the smile back on my face and get back to work! And I know, my little girl will be here soon- but not soon enough!

Thanks for listening!

12-03-2006, 12:45 PM
(Hugs). I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding since September of 2004 so I understand the whole wanting your body back. And my dh (who is at work between 15 and 20 hours a day) is talking about a third. If he thinks I am going to tandem nurse through a pregnancy he is out of his mind. My uterus is taking a much needed break.
Hope things get easier soon. You won't be pregnant forever, I promise.
And working or not, leave the tree to DH!

12-03-2006, 01:40 PM
More hugs!
I'm sooooooo right there with you. I'm exhausted, it's snowy outside and there is no where to go anyhow so we have major cabin fever going on (I actually gave DD a Hanukkah present yesterday in a desperate attempt to get 15 minutes to veg out on the couch while she played with her new toy), I'm sick of being pg but no where near ready (emotionally or physically) for a newborn yet, and my DH travels for work so right now he is gone through the next 2.5 weeks! During the week I'm okay, DD goes to mother's day out 2 days so I can run errands (and later have time with the baby), we have playgroups and stuff the other days, but the weekends are so boring when he's gone. There's nothing to do and nowhere to go. Everyone I know spends the weekends with their husbands but mine isn't here! It stinks.

Have you sought out some playgroups in your new town? Checked the local library to see if they have toddler storytime? I know it helps a lot if we get out of the house at least once a day, although it isn't always possible this time of year with the weather.

12-04-2006, 03:21 PM
I knew I wasn't alone in this! I'm sorry your DH is out of town- I completely understand the boredom. My neighbor and I were just commenting the other day that everyone has it rough in some way. Her hubby has a job that is more seasonal so she doesn't see him at all in the summer, but he's home a lot more now. Your hubby travels, mine works insane hours, but at least I get to see him for a small part of the day. I guess we all just learn to deal with what we have and try to appreciate the good things that come out of it (being a SAHM). As DH put it the other day, "At least I'm not in Iraq." Point taken!

I have tried to find playgroups, but it's been hard. We have gone to storytime at the library, and DS goes to gym class once a week. That has been nice, but the kids are so active, the moms don't have time to chit-chat, so I haven't really found anyone to have playdates with.

I also try to get out once a day. The only problem is that usually means going to a store and spending money!!! I think I have probably paid several salaries at Target in the past couple months! DH keeps saying, "I know you're doing it out of boredom, and I really can't blame you, but you need to watch your spending." Oops!!

Looks like our kiddos will be about the same age difference. Good luck to you in your last weeks, and thanks for the reply!
