View Full Version : Whoever took my brain, could they please return it?

12-16-2006, 03:22 PM
After I had DS I realized that I really had no memory for some things anymore. I used to pride myself on remembering any number of useless facts or maybe where the pair of socks was that I just put down. Now I am expecting #2 and I have gotten even worse.

I went to Target the other night to return something and after I left I spent 20 minutes in the parking lot trying to find my van! Then I FINALLY realized that I took DH's truck. Don't you think I should have realized this maybe 5 minutes into searching? I guess I figured that since my minivan is silver it just blends into the background with everyone elses. Did I mention that Minnesota is the minivan capital of the US?

Please return my brain, I've gotten attached to it!! Please Santa?




12-16-2006, 09:20 PM



12-16-2006, 10:05 PM
You do not know how many things I have lost since I got pregnant and had DD. I thought it would get better once she was sleeping through the night, but I swear it's worse. I can have something one day (like the notebook I use for recipes that I collect) and can't find it the next! I had that notebook the day before Thanksgiving and still have not found it! I used to remember where everything was stored/hidden/located in our house. You don't know how many times I've heard myself say "I have no idea where _______ is!"

Try this strategy that I actually just learned at a seminar (a seminar on understanding the aging brain, mind you - lol!). When you put something down or leave something somewhere, say out loud to yourself "I'm putting ________ in the ________". I just tried it today and I do remember where I put the bag for my Mom's storage container that I borrowed.

HTH and know you are most definitely not alone!

12-17-2006, 12:09 AM
Went to the grocery store.
While inside decided I would stop buy tcp on the other side of the parking lot before heading home.
Stepped outside and was shocked to see only cars.
Supermarket that shares a parking lot with tcp was three miles away.