View Full Version : talk to my face

12-19-2006, 09:32 PM
i had such a bad day at school.. i just have to tell someone. DH IS OUT OF TOWN...

a student of mine has to have her way all the time. i keep standing my ground with her. well the kicker is her mother works at our school so no one stands up to her. i do.. i don't care who it is i treat everyone equally. i don't eat in the teachers lounge b/c i don't want to hear about other students. i am just fine having a relaxing lunch. well today the mother was bitching about me in the faculty room. (does she not realize i have friends who will tell me???) someone approached me on it b/c they thought she gave me a mouthful NO.. she can talk about me but she can't talk to me. how professional. i am very approachable and have never had this problem in the past. her daughter was wrong. she couldn't follow directions and i called her on it DEAL... i hate when people talk behind peoples backs.

thanks for listening. i feel like i am starting to post more often in this folder. oh well.

12-19-2006, 09:43 PM
Ugh...I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm home now, but when I was teaching I always seemed to get the students of teachers in my class. My very first year of teaching I had the son of one of the teachers who had been there the longest. I know she talked about me all the time. I tried to ignore it the best I could, but I agree- their child shouldn't be treated any differently than your other students. She does need to DEAL!

Before I started teaching, I remember someone telling me to avoid the teachers' lounge. It is such a depressing place to be. Nothing but bitching and moaning going on!

Hopefully you have a winter break coming up soon so you can relax and recharge for the rest of the year!

Good luck!

12-19-2006, 10:08 PM
I'm a teacher too...
Have you tried treating the mom the way you would any other parent? Make a phone call home to discuss her child's insubordinate, disrespectful behavior that "disrupts the learning environment of others". That's like my favorite phrase to bust out there, because administrators take it very seriously!
Or send an email via the school email (if you have it) requesting a parent/teacher conference during a common free period.
If you start a paper trail to cya, then you can't be called out on anything by the administration - and she begins to look more like the crazy she seems to be.
Approach it from a totally professional perspective, and no one will be able to say boo to you!
And I avoid lunching with most fellow teachers also... it just perpetuates the b*tching and catty behavior that is so disgusting! I mean come on - we teach in a high school, there's no reason we should be acting like we're still IN high school!

12-19-2006, 10:13 PM
That, imo, is part of what's wrong with kids these days(am I 80?). I'm sure that teacher goes home and tells her dh how her little suzie is so perfect and her teacher(you) is so hard on her, blah, blah, blah.

Good for you for being equal to all and poo on her for not helping her dd see that she's not the center of the universe.

Hope your "winter holiday"(Do you celebrate Xmas? MERRY CHRISTMAS then!) is very restful. :)


I love them most when they are sleeping.--Me

12-20-2006, 08:36 AM
Didn't anyone ever tell you that it's always the teacher's fault and that students always know best? ;)


Sorry you had a rough day - the good news is that Christmas break is only days away, right? :)

12-20-2006, 08:49 AM
i can't even tell you how excited i am for christmas break. we don't get as long off as we normally do and it is effecting me NOW..

i need time to get ready for christmas. we leave friday for a trip and i have nothing ready.

thanks for all the support. i keep making mental notes on how not to act once ds is in school. i hate the way this girl has to be the center of the universe. and mom is right next to her. thank for your support. you all are right i need a break and i will enjoy my holidays. you all do the same. thanks again'

12-20-2006, 09:22 PM
That sucks. Good for you for treating everyone the same. She's not doing her daughter any favors, wait until that chicky gets out into the real world and her mama isn't there to muscle in.

I bet you're an awesome teacher. :)