View Full Version : I Have To Overexplain And I Don't Like It

12-19-2006, 10:07 PM
It's just a function of being online but I see it alot. When a comment is made the poster feels compelled to explain to the nth degree. We wouldn't know these things if they weren't written but it still irks me sometimes.

I wish we could just know what someone means but, alas, it'll never happen. I wonder if I'm just not a very good writer(well, I know I'm not)but some here know exactly how to get their point across. Can someone teach a class or something, lol?

ETA: My favorite is "we *never* eat/do/watch _____ but this one time we did." It's making me laugh now so this isn't a b**** really.


I love them most when they are sleeping.--Me

12-19-2006, 10:35 PM
I know what you mean....

12-19-2006, 11:21 PM
LOL, me too.

I responded in the child spacing thread and said something like "My brother and I would have been much closer had my mom not suffered two lost pregnancies."
i actually though about going back and editing it to explain that I know it wouldn;t have been "me", I just meant my mother's children would have been closer, because in all probability if she had gone full term with at least one pregnancy I would not be here, etc, etc.
And then I thought...Nah. they know what I mean. And if they don't, de malas. ; )

12-20-2006, 12:27 AM
"Can someone teach a class or something, lol?"
Sign me up!

12-20-2006, 01:20 AM
Me too. I think I say to many details when I talk/ write, I mean it's like 'Get to the point already' :). I think it's because I am a very detailed oriented person in general.

I totally know what you mean about ppl ove explaining themselves though or making excuses like your example. I think it may be because they are scared that ppl are going to flame them for example:

'I gave DS x-y-z, which I have never done before' Too funny :D.