View Full Version : MIL is driving me nuts! RE: Labor

01-16-2007, 01:47 PM
I love my MIL, really I do. She is like a mother I don't have and we get along really well. But the past few days she is driving me nucking futs!!!
DD was 5 days late. Obviously I have no freaking clue when DS will decide to make his appearance. My due date is a week away so I still have plenty of time. The plan was/is for them to come on Saturday evening and stay until the baby arrives, plus 9 days after (we are having a bris 8 days post-birth, and they'll leave the day after). This works out well because then they would be here when we need to go to the hospital so we wouldn't have to take DD somewhere potentially in the middle of the night, we have 2 dogs, etc. If I go into labor before that, they also have tickets for tomorrow (at this point, seems very unlikely as I haven't had any indication labor is coming on, but who knows) or whenever in between they will jump on the next available flight and we have friends who will take DD.
Anyhow, at my last m/w appt. last Thursday I was 3cm, which I was pretty impressed by since with DD I was a fingertip until after my due date when I went into labor. MIL thinks the baby is about to fall out of me any minute! She keeps wanting me to either go to the m/w (just show up at the office) to be checked, or alternately, show up at the hospital to hang out in case labor begins because we had an ice storm this past weekend and it might snow this weekend. Like I'm going to camp out at the freaking hospital just waiting for something to happen. Finally I just said to her on the phone (while she is at work, when she suggested hanging out at the hospital), "stop making comments like this. I can't make myself go into labor, I have no f-ing idea when it might happen, and your comments are starting to upset me". I don't care if that hurt her feelings, stop bugging me!!! I'm not even due yet! And no, my midwife won't induce me so that you don't have to miss any extra days of work. She doesn't care about you!

01-16-2007, 02:43 PM
Ack! Good for you for putting her in her place.

Quick and easy labor vibes to you!


01-16-2007, 02:58 PM
OK, between "Nucking futs" and cussing at the MIL, I am ROFL here!

Really, now, she should know better than to poke the pregnant lady. Shame on her!

01-16-2007, 05:12 PM
Ugh...I totally got that, too, from DH, my own mother, and my MIL. My IL's called a couple months before my due date to find out "when I thought I would have the baby" so they could let work know. Were they f'ing kidding?! Let me look into my crystal ball and let you know!

I hope you get that baby out sooner rather than later! Best of luck for a healthy and safe delivery!

01-16-2007, 08:24 PM
I tell ya' they just don't get it. My FIL asked DH throughout DS#2 when I "thought" I'd have him. UM I think I'll have him in December. What kind of question is that? I was a scheduled CS. We told him the date 1 month in advance. Guess what he came a week before that. Go figure! I guess I should've planned better. NOT!!!! He didn't come to the Bris anyway, so I don't know why he had to know when.

STOP ASKING THE PREGNANT WOMAN STUPID QUESTIONS!!!! I'm so happy you told your MIL where to stick it. You made me happy and I'm not the one pregnant.

01-16-2007, 08:36 PM
I seriously started to cry several times when I was in this final stage with Jonathan - it just felt like so much pressure about something over which I had absolutely no control. This time around, I'm not talking to my mom or MIL as much because I'm still working, and not near the phone. Can you screen your calls? It was the most irritating question of pregnancy, hands down. Hang in there!

01-16-2007, 08:41 PM

My family is already calling asking where the baby is....and we still have 4 weeks left!

I am going to stop answering my phone!

01-16-2007, 08:56 PM
Good for you for telling her off. Sometimes people really need to do a reality check...you're the pregnant one now her. And if it's such a sacrifice to come and help you then don't bother.

Oh my that reminds me of my crazy mom. She and my little aunt came to visit me two weeks before the baby was due hoping that the baby would come and a) so they would be able to see it and b) figured I would go early and have the baby in the year of the monkey rather than the chicken...stupid chinese superstition zodiac crap.

Ugh the whole time they were here it was "you feel anything today", I was soo annoyed. Don't visit expecting the baby to be here already or to fly out of my body and go TADA I'm here.

People can be so ridiculous when it comes to due dates. Muchless how many times are people going to ask when are you due when you've told them a million times. I'll let those I'm not close to slide but close family really bugs me.

01-16-2007, 09:31 PM
Between "Don't poke the pregnant woman" and "don't ask the pregnant woman stupid questions" I'm rotflol!!!
People do have a way of getting really really annoying when your due date is remotely close. I was ready to kill people at work when I would show up in the morning and they would say, "Still here?" YES, CAPTIAN OBVIOUS!
I actually started answering the phone, "Hello, not in labor yet..."
They all mean so well... that's what's frustrating!
Hang in there. Do some jumping jacks. Or squat thrusts. Or don't listen to anything people say to do to put yourself into labor - because that gets annoying too!!!

01-16-2007, 09:42 PM

I was there with my mom a few years ago. She lived 500 miles away and wanted to know when to fly down. We didn't want her there till we were home from the hospital so she was really on stand by (frequent flier miles so it wasn't going to cost a fortune last minute). She took 3 weeks off around my EDD...but I was 2 weeks late. She kept asking me to induce so she could plan. Ummm, no.

Sometimes I think it is best to just not answer the phone those last days/ weeks!

Take care and lots of labor vibes. :)


01-17-2007, 05:43 PM
You have every right to be frustrated!!!!!

my mil repeatedly wished an unecessary/unwanted c/s on me so she could plan her schedule better.

01-17-2007, 07:16 PM
Hugs to you Margaret-I would have flipped a lonnnnnnnnnng time ago....Hope the baby comes when he-and you!-are ready.Mazel Tov!

01-20-2007, 12:58 AM
I've told peopel I'm due in March - YUP, the whole month of March. This of course, has not stopped MIL from planning a bridal shower for the end of March, FIL asking me to ask my dr "when the baby is coming" so he can plan a trip or SIL's SIL from asking me exactly when I THINK I'm having my baby so taht she can plan my neice's COUSIN's bday party.

Sorry people, babies come when they cone, and it's not all about YOUR convenience!!!!

Sorry to steal your bitch, but MAN I know how you feel!!!

01-21-2007, 10:07 AM
I am 37.5 weeks with my first. When anyone asks, I just say ....

She's on her own schedule, I am along for the ride.


01-21-2007, 10:07 AM
I am 37.5 weeks with my first. When anyone asks, I just say ....

She's on her own schedule, I am along for the ride.


01-21-2007, 11:17 AM
Good for you!

01-21-2007, 11:17 AM
Good for you!

01-23-2007, 01:34 PM
Great reply. :)

I am planning with #2 to tell everyone my EDD is 2 weeks later than it really is. I'll probably start to believe it too. It'll make that 40 week mark less depressing if it comes and goes and baby is still on the inside.
