View Full Version : i think i have an eating disorder... I CAN'T STOP EATING!

02-16-2007, 06:40 PM
ok, really, i think i have an anxiety eating disorder where i eat non stop when i am anxious. DH was gone most of the week, first out of town, then at work super late for meetings. i am tearing my hair out from being alone with 2 kids for several days AND from some major work stress/excitement. i have tons to do, which stresses me, but i am SO excited about getting started on it all... and i can't WAIT to have the time to do it. so i am all sad that i haven't had the time but i can't wait to start the work! argh. i work from home on a creative industry, if that makes it make sense why it is fun...

so anyway. been on weight watchers for 6 weeks, lost 9lbs, feel AWESOME. only have 8.6lbs to go... and this week MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH!!!!! thai food! a cheeseburger! conversation hearts! M&Ms! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

DH thinks i am preggers. zoikes. (on the pill, but had to take antibiotics and we were only 98% careful...) seriously, i totally wigged out about DH forgetting the converstation hearts on his way home last night. i forced him to go BACK out to the store to get them AND he had to get the grocery store lady to help him because a schoolteacher came and bought them all. seriously. wigged out. psycho style.

maybe i have a tapeworm.

02-23-2007, 08:48 PM
you're not alone. Even though I'm preggers this is no excuse i eat i swear every 20 minutes. skinny jeans good bye moo-moo here i come....

02-25-2007, 09:58 AM
I'm not even hungry & I can't stop eating. I'm so disgusted with myself. Sigh.

02-26-2007, 09:12 PM
i totally fell off the weight watchers wagon for 2 whole weeks. i MUSt get back on track at tomorrow's meeting. after i have the milkshake that DH is supposed to bring home... sigh...