View Full Version : Can someone please locate my abs for me?!

03-26-2007, 08:52 PM
Wow, I am out of shape!!! Yeah, yeah, so I just had a baby 12 weeks ago. Still, how pathetic! Tonight was my first official workout since DD was born. I've been taking walks and stuff like that, but not a "real" workout. I decided to pop in my pilates DVD- the short one that I used to be able to do without losing my breath. Um- hello- where are my abs?! I couldn't even get through five minutes of the stupid thing. The funny thing was DH agreed to do it with me (which was funny in itself), and he was even having some trouble (and he exercises on a somewhat regular basis). Now we are both on a mission to get back in shape. Of course since I had a c/s my incision area was sore while I was trying to do the video, so I guess I have to get past that first. So much for getting on the treadmill after the 20 minute workout. I'm off to bed instead!!!

Here's to getting back in shape before the pool opens!

03-26-2007, 09:52 PM
I hear you, I soooo hear you. I'm 8 weeks pp and for some reason I remember my stomach (which was never totally flat, but it certainly wasn't like this!) going back to just about normal much more quickly than it is now. Between the stretch marks and loose skin, it just ain't pretty! Or even semi-attractive!

A tummy tuck is looking reeeeeaaaaaal good right now.

03-27-2007, 06:09 AM
Before you start doing abdominal exercises, you should check to see if your abdominal muscles are separated - that might be why you are struggling with this. If so, you have to be careful with ab exercises until you've closed the separation!!

Hang in there, and be gentle with yourself - 12 weeks isn't that long ago!!

03-27-2007, 06:35 AM
Oh do I hear that one.
I'm 11 weeks pp, 40+ pounds to get rid of, and my abs are a shell of their former glory.
It will get better, though. I started taking a once a week pilates class 3 weeks ago, and already the roll up is easier. :) I do still cheat a little, but it's not the full on "grab the thighs, lift the feet off the floor and PULLLLLLLLLL" patheticness that it was when I started. It may help that I'm doing the exercises on my own during the week...
But yeah. It's sad.
Now I just have to do something about the jigglypuss living on my butt and thighs...

03-27-2007, 07:05 AM
If you find them, could you tell them to send mine home - its been 9 months, and they are still missing!!!!!! :)


03-27-2007, 11:08 AM
hahahahaa! That was SO me last night- grab the thighs and pullll. I think I may have had a grunt in there, too! :-)

03-27-2007, 11:08 AM
Abs? What are these abs you speak of? Hmmm, wait, seems I may have heard of them once long ago...

03-27-2007, 06:57 PM
I so hear you! I'm about 70 weeks postpartum...

Yeah, anyway. I think the whole "winter hibernation" thing went a little overboard. I weight more now than when I was 6 months pregnant... and there's no baby in there, I'm pretty sure.

Uck. I'm going to work on it. I've been taking (fast) walks with DD, and maybe start doing some crunches or something, cuz this is BAD