View Full Version : DS..you want to nap you need to nap!

04-05-2007, 01:19 PM
DS hasn't slept all day! He is very grumpy, in a you can't leave my sight you must play with me every second mood. He is eating right now that is the only reason why I am finding time to type. His eyes are droopy, his teeth bothering him (i put some anbesol on them) he is clearly tired but keeps fightign sleep. What is the deal. Is it wrong I just keep thinking "DS mommy just wants 20 min to herself today, the house is a mess, she has schoolwork...please sleep!"

Edit: Right after I posted this I started rocking DS (well trying he is starting to be mobile which makes holding and rocking him to sleep hard, I miss it) and he started to push off towards his crib eyes drooping ect. I then gave up and held his hands while he stepped around, he went towards his crib and I put him in it, he is dozing off now though I still hear him moving around trying to get comfy. How cool is that though he really won't sleep anywere but his bed so that is good. I have work to do now...but I think I will post on here a bit more...I can double task but mmmm listen to that silence :)