View Full Version : To my dearest DD,

05-22-2007, 02:28 PM
Could you pretty, pretty please- with sugar on top- NOT spit up on Mommy's favorite purple t-shirt EVERY TIME I put it on?! You burped, farted, pee'd, pooped, and spit up a little on your burp cloth. It's been over an hour since you ate, so why, when I put you up on my shoulder, do you have to spit-up AGAIN?! I haven't been able to wear this shirt for more than 2 hours the past four times I've tried to wear it. It's not a special shirt, just a hip and cool t-shirt. I really would like to wear it more than two hours without having to wash it.

If you could listen to Mommy and be a good girl, and keep your chunky white puke to yourself I'd greatly appreciate it.


Your Mommy

OH...and if it was to get me back for drinking a glass of milk today- we're even now!

05-22-2007, 03:46 PM
I'm laughing w/ you really, I am. DD 1 calls little sis's puke sessions on my freshly changed shirts *Christening* them, like a ship.

Isn't it great!

05-22-2007, 04:02 PM
I hear you! Around here I'm changing shirts more than the baby is. And it always seems like he does it just as we're heading out of the house. Gotta love the badge of honor :-)

05-22-2007, 08:31 PM
LOL! It doesn't get better! The other day DD and I were eating a purplish juice popsicle. She took a nice big lick and then did a raspberry and sprayed purple juice everywhere. I was wearing a white shirt!

Sounds like your DD feels mighty comfortable when you wear your favorite shirt! She can sense it!

05-24-2007, 12:29 AM
Oh yeah! I almost forgot, but you reminded me. DD sneezed all over me once when she was eating blueberries (and she laughed hysterically when she did it). I was already dressed for work and didn't have time to change. Wore clothes with little purple spots to work. Oh well, when you have a baby or toddler, you do things you thought you never would. I wear stained clothes all the time - mostly because almost all of my clothes have stains - lol!

05-27-2007, 01:34 AM
I love how I get dressed all nicely for work, but by the time I walk into the office I look filthy. Little peanut butter kisses/ face wiping sessions at DD's eye level are currently our fashion.

05-28-2007, 07:48 AM
I love these stories! Isn't it ANY time you get dressed nicely it all goes to h*ll in seconds.

DD was 4 weeks old and we had her Christening. I thought that I was hot stuff all dressed up nicely for church after I had been wearing boxer shorts and t-shirts for 4 weeks. I sat down to nurse DD before we left and she pooped and exploded all over me. So I had to go off and find a second outfit that fit my still large behind!

The joys of motherhood!