View Full Version : OH MY WHINING!!!!!

10-28-2007, 12:43 PM
I swear, if I hear "eh eh eh eh, ahhhhh, eh eh eh eh, ahhhhh" one more time I'm going to LOSE IT!!! I know I'll be complaining again once DS starts adding words to his whining voice, but for now I get to enjoy the noises. DD is starting to mimic him and do it now, too. Whining- in stereo- so much fun!


10-29-2007, 09:53 AM
Must be the weather or the phase of the moon. DD is unh, unh, unhing at the TIPPY top of her stinking lungs all for the last several days. DH finally got a dose this weekend and finally understands (a little) of my frayed nerves when he comes home at night.

Unh, unh, unh UUUUNNNHHHHHHH!!!!!!

sigh...so I just thank God she has such powerful healthy lungs...sigh


10-29-2007, 10:54 AM
If I had a dime for every time I say "Use your words, Please" I would be drinking Starbucks and browsing Borders every day, while the NANNY makes PB+J! I hear you and second your whine about whinning!

10-29-2007, 09:57 PM
Yep...whining here, too! But we have the words to go along with the whining. Sometimes it's just the whining and other times it's whiny words...ugh! Mmmoooommmmeee, pick y up (insert whine effects), mmiillllkkkk, where's whiiite baaan-ket?, and quietly, but whining - paaccee (paci - she asks quietly because she knows she is only allowed her paci at bedtime - lol). Much of the time, it's just Mmmmooooommmmmeeeee. When will the whining and crying stop?!?!