View Full Version : Dear MIL,

10-31-2007, 12:56 PM
Is it really necessary to tell me that you can't believe how huge I look, and then go on to belabor your point? No one else feels the need to bring this to my attention, perhaps because abdomen is normal sized for how many weeks I am?.

Also, is it really necessary to whine because nobody had fun at your Halloween party? I'm sorry everyone just sat around after you went through all the trouble of decorating. I didn't realize that as a guest, I was required to party like it's 1999. I for one happen to feel like I'm falling apart this pregnancy. My back freakin hurts because your grandson is pushing on my sciatic nerve and I can't sleep because of reflux and I can't even bend over without burping something up. Sorry, I was not the life of your party. BTW, don't expect me to come over or invite you over if your going to keep telling me how huge I am. Get a clue.

Oh, that reminds me... I need to slip a $20 in ds1's piggy bank. I really enjoyed it when he patted YOUR belly and asked you if you had a baby in your belly.



And a new little Valentine to debut in February!

10-31-2007, 03:49 PM
Gosh, that woman does not have a clue... You are an angel for not snapping at her. IMHO you had more than enough reasons to. And your DS is such a sweetie for getting back at MIL ;)

10-31-2007, 11:03 PM
That is outrageously funny! Not the fat part, but the part your son did. If I had $20, I'd send it to you to give to him for me. The laugh was worth at least that much!

Sorry she's being such a pain, though. Think happy thoughts, like how she must be such a pitiful creature and jealous to boot if she's reduced to making fun of a pregnant lady (one carrying her grandchild, no less). I wish for you a MIL who loses her voice for the rest of your pregnancy!
